I was recently having a problem with the Park motor in my Prius and had the car lifted so I could get it in drive while in the garage and have more clearance for the part removal. WHile lifted and in drive I hit the brakes and it sounded like a lot of movement, I assume from suspenion and everything not being under load. Since that fix our brakes have been similar to manual brakes. They work but need to be pressed harder than normal. There are no lights on on the dash that indicate a problem (VS, ABS, etc). I can not figure what could have gotten jostled or ruined from this. Though I have read on here that others simply drove over a pot hole and it started. The car has 230000 miles on it, motor is newer. I have a few months ago replaced the struts and brakes all the way around as well as rotors and drums. THere is no leaking fluid and I do hear the acc pump kick on and shut off shortly after as it always has. I ran some tests on it with the reader for pump self test and bleed. Everything looks ok, yet brakes are still weak. I have been having a misfire I cant seem to track down though while I have seen it mentioned I doubt it has anything to do with this. Possibilties I am considering are the pump itself not working efficiently, or possibly a loose connection somewhere but I am not even sure where to start looking on the connection issue. I did take a look at the pump and relays and everything seems legit. Any ideas?
What do you mean by lifted? What was done to fix it at the garage? Normally parking motor problems are just caused by bad 12V battery. If you go to ign-on (power button two times with no brake pedal), do all warning lights turn on? If not there’s some problem with warning lights. Check your 12V battery voltage. With multimeter when Prius is completely off. Or with MFD: Toyota Prius: How to Check the 12v Auxiliary Battery Health - PriusDIY.com
You've mentioned a couple of diagnostic codes in your title, but your actual post doesn't say much about when they were read, early or late in the process, what's been done since, have you looked them up in the repair manual yet to see the steps to troubleshoot them, etc. -Chap
I mean the car was on jack stands in my garage to allow access. I know the PAWL motor issue is usually caused by 12 volt battery but mine was caused by a bad connection as the motor I recently put in it had sat out in a garage for a while before being installed allowing the connectors to corrode. That issue is since gone and yes all of the warning lights fdo come on when I start the car, I just mean there are none while running. I have been down the road of the 12V battery and recently too so I have ruled that out.
I dont have an actual repair manual aside from a semi useless Chilton. And I have a VXdiag for codes. I recieved the c1319 code about a day after we figured out the PAWL motor issue. and a couple days later I pulled it into my garage to read them again and that is when I found the C1256 as well. All that I have done so far is to check the connecitons on the battery, and plugs, fuses by the battery to make sure nothign got knocked loose, as well as bench testing the relays and checking fuses under the hood. I have the front tires off to check out the calipers for anything loose or out of place but I see nothing wrong.
I agree with your assessment of the typical third-party repair manuals. You can find the Toyota repair manual at techinfo.toyota.com. -Chap
C1319 is changeover solenoid malfunction. It effects and is in brake stroke simulator. Brake stroke simulator is the part that makes the brake pedal feel like a brake pedal in normal car. Maybe a problem in brake stoke simulator could cause the pedal to feel weird and make it feel like you have to press harder. Circuit is pretty simple and manual has instructions on how to check the circuit. But you should also read the freeze frame data from that code including the sub code. It could narrow the problem down. C1256 is accumulator low pressure Maybe just write down the freeze frame data and clean the code? And see if this comes back.
I did try wiping the code when it first hapened. It did come back, I have not tried the jumpers that people have mentioned. I am not sure how to get sub codes with this software, my apologies, it is quite new to me.
Anybody can tell me how to get the subcodes using Techstream? I know I am probably making myself sound like a fool butTHere is a learning curve to this software and I really need a bump past that to try and get this finished. Thanks a ton!
If there is freeze frame data for a code there will be a snowflake icon next to the DTC: Click on this and it will open another window with the freeze frame data. The sub-codes are the fields labelled Detail Code x (where x = 1-5): Hope that helps.