Or too suspicious to fill in the poll - until you vote, you don't see the answers (I didn't vote so I'm in the dark). If anyone was conscious of their age being revealed, they could well have voted incorrectly just so they could see the voting trends - and if we all did that, it would be useless information.
Turned 33 two weeks ago ... 2nd Prius, 4th hybrid as of two days ago. Just swapped the trusty 2010 HS 250h for a 2018 NX 300h. Lexus dealer told me that more "people my age" prefer the hybrid whereas the takerate on the turbo-4 engine was generally folks "a litle older", they said. Personally, regardless of age, I can't fathom going back to a non-hybrid.
People embrace technology at any age if it makes sense. I'm sure they'll be automotive choices in the future that I will choose if I don't run out of time.
I kept my first Prius ten years ago when I was 59, Last month I bought my second one a new 2016 Prius 4. I always tell people if your old car treated you good, buy another one so I took my own advice. My old Prius had 108,000 miles on it and was ten years old. It was the best car I ever owned and the only car I ever traded in. I told my wife at our age why should we drive old cars. I have seven other nice cars but my favorite driver has always been the Prius. Some people ask why I have eight cars and I tell them because nine would be rediculous. Lol