I recently had the evap core replaced at 265k miles. I’m not sure if I had the problem before because it hadn’t gotten cold out yet here in Atlanta. My mfd doesn’t function properly so I have to use the steering wheel controls to change the temp to cycle through the vents. My center vents blow fine, but the window and floor vents do not blow. When I cycle through from max ac to max Heat I can hear the system changing to blow form the respective vents but the air doesn’t come out. When I hit windshield defrost it still kicks on to max but only blows harder from center vents. I can hear the noise when I make the change but still nothing. Also has a new blower motor so I don’t think that’s it. Searched many threads but couldn’t find this exact problem or fix. Help!
I was looking for a blend actuator and had the glove box off. Couldn’t find the actuator in there, so I’m guessig it’s somewhere else. While I was cycling through temps and defrost again I did notice that the little thing that comes up and down inside of the blower motor housing when you change from outside to recirculated air only seems to work correctly in mid range temps. I had been wondering why sometimes I would smell exhaust from other cars when my air was on recirculate. My blower motor had quite a bit of dust on it as well and it’s only been in maybe six months. Not sure if related, but figured I should mention it.
i'll look around, but not sure if there is one. you might have to resort to the repair manual. i believe it involves dismantling the whole dash assembly.
I had actually seen that thread in my search. I already know how to take the dash apart, just still can’t find what it is I need to be looking for when I get it apart. The search continues...
Guess I can just tear her down and dig around. Pretty sure I know what an actuator looks like Thanks for helping me look.
Took it to the stealership and they claim it’s my malfunctioning mfd. they said the same thing when it was my blower motor. Is it possible a malfunctioning mfd could cause this? The steering wheel controls still work. And the mfd has been bad forever, but this problem is recent. Help?