I recently picked up a 2nd hand 2007 Prius with 80,000 miles and I feel lucky for how well it drives and it's overall condition. I've taken it to a local well-rated auto shop which specializes in Toyota's and Lexus's for oil changes and rotations. They've recommended a few services and I'd like to know others opinions on which ones I should handle first as it's out of my budget to do them all at once. - - - Recommended Services - ATM service $99 * - Replace both rear shock $501 ** - Front brakes $320 *** * The mechanic mentioned the automatic transmission fluid was dark/discolored ** The rear shock is leaking and the previous owner also was aware of this from having a dealership perform an overall inspection *** Front brakes are at 4mm; haven't heard any screeching sounds or other sounds for that matter - - - Thank you
There's no dipstick for the transaxle fluid, how did he check? What brand of shocks for $500? The brakes are fine at 4mm remaining There's a shop in San Francisco area called luscious garage, they won't rip you off there
Thank you JC. I'll contact that shop and either schedule an inspection or see if they can estimate prices. Do the rear shocks require replacements asap in your opinion? I haven't heard any noises or noticed any poor driving performance from it.
It's best to change them if they are leaking, but it isn't that important where you need to do it asap. Some just drive with it leaking, the ride just might be a little bumpier than normal.
On a prius, they usually aren't needed until after 150k miles. Most of the braking on the car is done electronically. But if I remember correctly, you replace it when it reaches 1mm or 2mm. But it takes a while to get there
There is also Arts Automotive in Betkeley that is well respected and local. You the DIY type or willing to help DIY? That could also reduce costs. Keep us posted .
Ray, I'm the DIY type, but I don't have the proper tools at my disposal to work on a car at the moment. Thank you, even with only you two replying I'm able to be more at ease knowing I don't have to spend $$$ right away as well as potentially finding a new auto shop.
Ray is about to promote his weekend meetup............a place for DIY enthusiasts to meet and say hello while getting basic car needs addressed.
The quote for the trans fluid drain and fill isn’t outrageous, but the other 2 are. We do meet ups in the Bay Area and if all you need are tools, we probably got you covered: Possible Monthly install meets. Bay Area-Fremont Some pics from the last one. Keep us posted .
That would be great...I'd love to come! What's the best way to stay informed on the next one? edit: thanks by the way
Follow the thread as there are updates . Or respond there and you’ll get any updates. Suggest a date and if you have a good working area, we can always use another locale. See you soon potentially .
JC, thank you for sharing Luscious Garage with me. I contacted them and got the following quotes: Replace Rear Struts (OEM) - $377.50 +tax Front Brake Pad and Rotor Resurfacing - $339.12 +tax Front Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement - $414.02 +tax Overall, better pricing then the current shop I'm going to. I'll most likely go ahead with Luscious Garage when I need the jobs done.