This morning was my lowest trip MPG commuting to work. I was very late instead of leaving early so I can drive “efficiently” and it was 33 degrees when I left. Speed and temp clearly play the largest role in this case... The cold is outside my Control regrettably but leaving early and driving slower certainly seems to make a difference. Sharing my MPG log for fun. Thinking of adding an average speed column .. hmm
Wow, I do not envy your commute but I am getting something similar. I have only a 30 mile 1 way commute and was getting 30 miles per charge in the Summer/Fall but am down to around 22 now that the temps drop (I am in Maryland get to work at 6:30am before the sun heats things up). I am getting between 60-68 MPG on my commute home (without the EV battery being charged), driving fairly normally (for a DC area driver).
Thanks for the reply. That does make sense. I love the avatar by the way haha. Two trips similar temp, but different average speed. I think being in a rush in the cold is a rough combo !
I also drive 89 miles r/t for my work commute, and our ambient temps are somewhat similar. I drive in 40s F one way and 20s F the other this time of year. For now r/t MPG is 85- 90 mpg, but dropping as the winter progresses. Sounds like we have the same car ;-)