Hey guys I was thinking about picking up these tail lights off eBay. They are 299 but from the little research I have done valenti tail lights retail for more. So is it safe to say they are knock offs? Thanks 10 15 Toyota Prius Hatchback Valenti Plug Play LED Taillights Clear Red | eBay
Zooming in on the picture ... You can faintly see the "Valenti" brand embossed at the bottom of the left hand light. Let's try going grayscale, and then increasing brightness and contrast. The price tag of $299 seems too good to be true. But the photo looks like the real deal.
This is what real Valenti's should have printed on the face of the tail light At gray scale is more noticeable
This is what I received from the seller. These lights are genuine Valenti. We do not have close up pictures of the branding on the lights. It is hard to see in the photo but the Valenti brand will be in the area squared in yellow. Please refer to the image attached for reference Basically the seller highlighted that same area that Dylan did, just not zoomed in. Hmm ......
I think I'm going to pull the trigger. eBay protects the buyer if a seller sells a knock off and tries to pass it as a authentic.
Good thing about eBay is, once you get the tail lights - if they look bogus eBay will do handstands to make sure you get your money back. .
True. A while back eBay changed some policies so sellers have pretty much no say if somebody wants to do a return.
@Palacio, did you end up purchasing the Valenti Lights from the eBay seller from your link ? If so, are they genuine Valenti Lights? Thanks.