I changed my departure time setting last night at 10pm so that I can leave this morning at 9am. When I plugged in the charger last night at 10:15pm it stared charging right away and didn’t stop. I checked back after an hour and it was still charging. The blue light was flashing on the dash. Any idea of what may have happened? I also read that I should not use Climate Prep and instead press the Remote A/C button on the key fob instead about 10 minutes before leaving while still plugged in or after after I unplug it? I always turn off the Climate controls before shutting the Prime off. Does the Climate setting have to be left on in order for Remote A/C to work?
Why do you turn off climate before switching the car off? Remote a/c uses the last setting just like it does when you first turn on the car. iPhone ?
Did you verify the correct DAY-OF-WEEK value was specified? I've made that mistake before, not realizing it stated the wrong day. Where did you read that misconception? My guess is the misleading information came about by an attempt to get the greatest return from the warming... but the "not" is bad advice, since forgetting is a realistic outcome. Of course, that isn't even possible unless you are close to the vehicle. Leaving from work, I'm still several blocks away. Standing outside in the cold waiting for the car to warm up once I got to the ramp just plain doesn't make any sense. Also, you could miss out on time-of-use charging discounts that way.
Yep mine shows Weekends 9am. I did think about the Remote A/C part. Time of day discounts would be lost which is true, but wouldn’t the discounts be lost anyway since Departure a time charges the vehicle closer to Peak hours of the day vs Non Peak hours? @john1701a ?
If you change your departure time and some other event was already active, your change isn't "active" until either the next week or until you turn off and on the intervening event.
By the way, always check the MID when you open the door, as it tells you what it's either doing or going to do. At that point you can see if your change is acting as desired. If not, either turn off charge now (which is probably what you needed to do this time) or go back to the schedule screen and turn the other events off and back on.
Charge Now was off 100%. If I use Remote A/C (without Departure Time but well after the vehicle is already done charging overnight by 5am) 10 minutes prior to leaving for work (as it gets cold here) wouldn’t that be far better for me vs using Departure Time since the charging would mainly happen during peak hours in my case. I leave between. 8-9am M-F.
Then it wouldn't have been charging. A prior event will turn on charge now, and unplugging and plugging will as well. Peak time starts before 8am?
When does Departure Time stop normally? I keep reading that using Remote A/C is better than Climate Prep. Thoughts?
Departure time stops when the charge is full, which is some time between when you set it and 50 minutes before you set it. I use remote A/C like you propose.
"Peak" hours vary by both provider and plan. You'll have to look up your own. Here are mine... https://www.dakotaelectric.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/EV_Programs.pdf
If you use it while it's plugged in, it will often sustain battery charge, even from L1. This is when the temperature isn't too extreme. If it's really cold, it may need more power than L1 can provide and start discharging the battery. If you use it while unplugged, it will consume battery charge.
I may as well just not even use it then and then use heat as needed while I’m driving as WI gets very colddddddd.
Yeah if it's cold enough that the engine has to run to provide heat, you might as well go with that engine route and not worry about Remote A/C for pre-heating. Use that electric charge for driving (reducing load on the engine)