I was quickly replying to post 17. If you were going to restrict non-work 4x4s you would also likely restrict my 2 wheel drive truck.
I've seen many cars keyed in parking lots around here (mostly BMWs) where the doors and/or hood got the treatment, but being keyed around the gas filler is a new one on me. Odd.
Reading this made me think of my grandpa. Thanks for the chuckle.. LOL If he or my grandmother were still around and I showed this to them, grandma would bust out laughing and Grandpa would say you were a smart man. But really, what generation doesn't think the one's following them are ruining the world.? With age the VAST majority of us grow out of this. I'm a perfect example. But too many forget they too were once kids. As a kid, toilet papering the neighborhood, soaping windows and bashing a mailbox or two was just part of growing up. Alas, karma - she'll always pay you back. Sometimes in the form of getting caught and having your dad bust your nice person. haha But I've had the same done to me. (pebbled, soaped, toilet papered) Frustrating yes, but I don't hold the entire generation responsible. It's just a kids being mischievous. I do strongly disagree with you on taxing 4x4's and performance cars off the road. Mainly because everyone's needs for a vehicle do not fit into a compact vehicle. Secondly, not everyone can afford 2 vehicles. One for when they need to haul crap and then one to drive to work. Gas mileage be damned - if they need a 4x4 let them have it. Same thing for performance vehicles. I'm not into them, but quite a few people are. If your not aware, there's even an entire sport built around it. If they enjoy it, let them have it. Lastly you are correct when you say some drivers just need to be removed from the roads. I sometimes wonder how people have lived so long after seeing them drive.
Saw an article somewhere, relating to studies done with random groups of people.......when asked for a show of hands as to who thinks they are an "Above Average Skilled Driver"......yup, you guessed it, virtually 100%! response ......
Sorry you bore the brunt of a thoughtless, selfish idiot. I know how it can hurt to work so hard for something, then have it ruined in an instant. I hope you can somehow let this pass and move on without it affecting you for too long. In the long run this incident will only be a faint memory not worth remembering. Good luck in the future.
Just leaving the last four words off the OP's title description should give us a fair answer for the entire question...
People are a-holes and with the way things are going these days it really doesn't suprise me because people are just down right mean. In my previous car that I had, I pulled into the parking deck at work (spots unassigned). As usual, I pulled in to an open spot and went about my business. When I came back out to my car from my shift, I was putting my things in the boot (it was a Mini) and as I was closing the hatch, I noticed someone had keyed my car. It was really sad, but what was funny about it was that they keyed my car, trying to spell out bi*ch (with all the letters) but they couldn't spell it right. They keyed my car and spelled it out bicth, scratched it out and underneath it, spelled it wrong again with bicht. My first impression was that they were trying to tell me something in German? They then left a long line down my passenger side. I didn't see any other words or key marks on the car, just that. The department I worked in at the time had access to view Security cameras. I tried to look for it the next day but where I was parked was in an area that wasn't on camera (mainly on entrances/exits and at the stairs and elevators - none of which was where I had parked. Needless to say, I didn't park in the parking deck again.