I just bought my 2014 Prius C, it already had 33k miles on it and the tires looked like the tread was less than normal. I am sure with road conditions, driving habits, weather, etc. etc. each Prius is different. Maybe I don't know what to expect as my wheels are alloy versus hub cap and different wheelbases with premium wheels versus big tires.
I expect tires to last anywhere from 25000 to 100000 miles depending on too many factors for me to list. On average, though, I expect 40k miles for most people. So what you are seeing is what I expect for average 15000 mile a year driving.
Tires have wear bar indicator. Google it ! Tires also have a shelf life ! Each tire has manufacturing date on them . Performace degrades with age and become hazard .
This car seems to chew through the fronts... My Civic on the other hand.. the front/rear wear almost evenly. Depends on how many of your miles are city and how many are highway. If you rotate religiously, I imagine you can get about 60-70K out of the OEM, give or take. If you don't rotate, I bet you can get twice the miles out of the rears. I'm lazy, so I expect to change the fronts, while changing the rears every 2nd front set.
I replaced my tires at 35k and the guy at the shop said his wifes Prius tires were replaced at 31k. We agreed that these low resistant tires wear quickly.
Um... if you say so... I changed mine out at 65k and many other members have done it around that time as well. Shoot, we have one member that made it over 80k on the factory tires.
Can you recall what they were? At the wear bars? We tend to time-out on tires fwiw: between running two sets (snow tires in winter) and low miles, I start getting nervous when the tires are around 8 years old, even though they usually have fair amount of tread remaining. When the cracking starts getting pronounced, and you have bits of tread starting to chip off.
My factory EP20 changed at 90k miles was at the wear bars on the inside of the front tires. The outside was still a comfortable 3/32. And the rears were 4/32. Unfortunately, all four wore unevenly on the inside, otherwise, I would've gotten 100k easily. Oh and that's with averaging 28k miles a year.
That's phenomenal, maybe a lot of highway miles? I've had those on a Civic Hybrid, and replaced with same when we sold the car to a family member. I'm pretty sure they lasted a lot less for us, not even 90K kms. They weren't exactly down to wear bars, but looking pretty knackered, and plug-repaired more than once or twice.
There's only one way to get 28k miles per year on a vehicle and that's with a lot of highway miles. Contrary-wise, we only managed 40k miles on Michelin MXV4's from a Sonata. They were at the wear bars and has the telltale cracking signs for 8 year old tires. Michelin MXV4 are one of the most highly regarded Michelin tire lines. Assuming we drive the same way in my Sonata as my Prius, how can you explain the drastic difference in tire wear? 6000 miles a year equals lots of stop and go city miles.
I drove my 2001 Saturn until well past the wear bars and barely achieved 35k miles... When I swapped these out, i still had 1-2/32 left on it and the wears weren't showing... but I was making a winter trip to Minnesota and wanted to have the new tread. I had the Turanza EL400s.