Hi there, i need to remove plastic cover from front light, i think it´s a turning signal light just above the fog light? Thanks in advance. It is passenger side..
Keep in mind too: if it was that easy, thieves would be taking them. Have a look at the attachment. Maybe you can avoid bumper removal, just take the front underpanel off and reach up, not sure.
OK, i will see, i´m going to change oil this wknd, so i´ll try and post the result here. Thanks for the file. I think it should go without bumper disassembled or complete under plastic removal..
The housing is held in place by 1 nut and several tabs. Remove the plastic cover just below the light and you have easy access . I did our 2010 assemblies a couple of months back and took about 15 minutes a side. There were chips in each cover. Good luck.
Did it on saturday along with oil change, now i know the number of the part, i will order from ebay. The light has a crack and water inside causing mist from inner side. As Raytheeagle wrote, the light can be easily pop from inside after unscrewing one 10mm nut (it wasn´t tight, don´t know why) and pushing remaining 3 tabs. The plastic tabs look, like they are not very sturdy, they bent like a chewing gum. Plastic undercover, several push pins and 10mm nuts