Dead Combination Meter (I think)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by judge_leftshoe, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. judge_leftshoe

    judge_leftshoe New Member

    Nov 26, 2017
    Norman, Oklahoma
    2008 Prius
    First, I've been lurking around here whenever I needed to learn, or fix something, but now I have an issue that needs a more personal involvement. I love my prius, and have made converts out of my family, who thought that priuses (Prii?) were gimick cars!

    But first, some details:
    2008 Prius, touring model, I think. About 189k miles, so well used.

    And the story:
    I finished a 70ish mile trip from Cushing to Norman, (Oklahoma, if that matters) last night, and the car worked like normal. I drove it about 2 miles to a friends house this morning, and it worked normally, but 10 minutes later, I get in it again, to go grocery shopping, and my HUD or combination meter, or whatever it is you call the electronic display that shows gear, gas, speed, mileage, check engine light, etc, does not work. The window that controls the temperature, and shows the energy/consumption data also works, but is showing no data, aside from current battery level. I turned it off, and went about my day using my friends car (getting a late thanksgiving meal together for friends). Tonight, I get in it to go home, and the car will start, the check engine light will come on for five seconds or so, but the display will not turn on. The state of the passenger airbag will display, but nothing else will. No rearview camera display either, when in reverse.

    It would also fail to turn off normally, requiring holding down the power button into the safe mode accessory mode, and pulling out the keyfob.

    I've been lurking here whenever I have an issue, and found several threads detailing my issues. I would provide links, but my account isn't old enough, which I don't blame.

    All of the threads place the blame on either faulty fuses, or bad combination meters.

    My post here, is just to make sure that this is the current fix. These pages are all seven or so years out of date, and the last one mentioned an extension of warranty for this fix, and I was wondering if this was still valid, or what the current fix for this is.

    And, if it's legal. I'm a college student, and this is my first car, I grew up thinking that messing with the odometer was illegal, and I read that getting a new combination meter would set the mileage to something other than what it really is...
  2. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    It is almost certainly a failed combination meter (CM). Contact Matt @Texas Hybrid Batteries who can sell you a refurbished CM pre-programmed with your current milage (so it is a legal fix). He can also talk you through your options of DIY vs getting someone to to the work for you.
  3. Texas Hybrid Batteries

    Texas Hybrid Batteries Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2014
    Dallas -Fort Worth
    2006 Prius
    Thanks @dolj.

    To the op, all of the symptoms that you listed are normal signs of a failing combination meter. The Toyota warranty enhancement covers 100% of the repair if your car is less than 9 years old. That means any 2008 that went into service after today's date will still be covered. It's a long shot but worth checking into before you start paying out of pocket for the repair.

    Here's a link to the warranty bulletin. WARRANTY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (ZTV)

    I wouldn't recommend taking your car to Toyota for a diagnosis unless you want to pay $100+ for nothing. Create a free account on Toyota's VEHICLE OWNER SITE and enter your VIN and see what your car's first in service date was. You can also PM me the VIN and I can run it thru TIS and check it for you.

    If you're out of warranty and you decide that you want to replace it yourself this video goes thru the repair in good detail. Paul at Boulder Hybrids made this video and it's the one that I refer most of our customers to.

    Good Luck,
    JimmyL likes this.
  4. Wilsid

    Wilsid Junior Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    2004 Prius
    my combo meter went out, utube has vidieo, had it fixed on ebay $79 and im up and running
    fix came with lifetime warrenty
    #4 Wilsid, Nov 28, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017