Hi there, I'm doing research trying to decide which Prius to buy. I like the Intelligent Parking Assist (IPA) feature. However, in this famous Visual Tables of Gen4 Package Combinations article, it is referred as "Simple IPA". The word "Simple" keeps me wondering if there exists another "Advanced" version of IPA? Are all the IPA installed on different Prius models the same version? Thanks a lot!
No "simple" just means it's easy to use - just follow the onscreen instructions. IPA is also known as "Advanced Parking Guidance System" or APGS if that makes you feel better The 3rd Gen Prius, Prius v and Gen 4 Prius will have different IPAs. The one in the Gen 4 Prius (2016-now) is the latest one. On the current Prius, it will... in a back-in mode, steer the car out then back into the spot (while the old version, you had to steer the car out then it will start the auto-parking) In both parallel and back-in mode, ask you to shift into R and/or D as necessary to get the car centred in the spot assist in pulling you out of a parallel parking spot (exit assist mode)