I am looking for a BT adapter for prius 2007. I saw range of prices like 4 doĺlar and some 50 for elm 327 v2.1. What are the diff's? Is it safe to trust cheap chinse site to buy one? Or should i buy a branded one. Thanks.
I'm using the cheap Chinese one (very small, blue translucent) since several years with the torque app for logging some data (GPS, revs, torques, SoC,...) with 10 Hz. Most of the time there aren't any problems. But I have to pair the device often after it was removed, what means that my phone recognises the device but asks for the pin. That's all. But when I let the device connected to the car for some days not driving, it drains the aux battery. So I've needed some external power three times in the last five years. (But I have to add that I often drive only 2 x <10 min per day, what is not much time for charging the aux battery, while using lights, radio and ventilation, too) Maybe a device with an eco or standby mode would be better, but such devices IMHO costs too much. I would buy this one again! SM-G900F ?
Some people say the chines are not showing some Pruis's code, do you them all? in torque app do you see data in real time including HV battery units . can you upload please photos of it? thanks.
I'm a bit too lazy for taking pics now (after 10:25 p.m. here). Maybe tomorrow, if needed? But I can assure, that I can see all the custom PIDs from the USBSeaWolf2000 CSV file. I'm logging some with 10 Hz in a file and showing some of the channels real time at dashboard in torque pro app. I'm not using them regularly but for each cell there is the voltage and the internal resistance and for the complete battery the charging and discharging current (or power, not sure, but each can calculated from the other: P=U•I; U=U_1+U_2+...+U_n) and the State of Charge. SoC for example is not delivered with 10 Hz. That means that the car answers every 100 ms, but with some equal values and then a jump to the next level and so on. And the crankshaft position seems to jump between different values, because 10 Hz is too low frequency but the limit of torque app (and maybe CAN-BUS too) If you want a pic, what do you like to see: screenshot of the channel (with active ones in green color) or better a dashboard view? Then I'd say maximum 10 values (which ones?) Michael. SM-G900F ?
While I was driving today, I took some screenshots for you, dashboard included happily. You can see a part of the list with provided/usable PIDs and my standard dashboard and one with three battery PIDs (actual voltage of a cell #1, actual internal resistance of cell #4 and the current flowing from/to the battery (direction is determined by sign of the value). If you need more, let me know! SM-G900F ?
I have tried making my elm273 display the same thing, but I don't know where to gp on the torque app. How do you get into accessing this HV and other PIDs? Thanks for the help
Search the internet for usbseawolf2000. You should find a csv-file with all the Prius PIDs (I only have the metric file but there is one with Fahrenheit, MPG, mph..., too). You have to copy this file in the folder ".torque\extendedpids". Therefore you need a file manager, that shows hidden files, like "ES file explorer", because files and folders beginning with a dot are normally hidden. SM-G900F ? Edit: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-technical-discussion/95370-gen2-prius-custom-pids-torque-android-app-formulas.html