The last July allocation of Prius is for 366 units ... we're getting better! (remember, there are 75 dealerships down here so the ratio's still weak but at least it's not as awful as it had been for so many months!) Dianne
Let's see. 366 now plus 379 for early July gives us 745 cars for S. California. About time the numbers increased. And now (maybe) 21/22 people off your list and I move up that many spaces this month (assuming that you still get your 3 per cent allocations!!)
I do not always get 3% of allocations. The split is often lower in percentage, due to the fact that we often get caught (on purpose? I do not know) with cars in freight or still at PORT in the pipeline that we cannot show "sold" so they look as if we have units here still for sale, and they count against us. Of course, that helps the smaller stores earn more... so it's a good thing for them! I also do not get every Prius that drops at this store, as the dealership's also got a retail sales department that sells these at over MSRP. I get most, but never all! These guys have mouths to feed too -- and we have a very large retail sales department made up of some great guys. Dianne
Hmmm, I find this quite curious. The Empress of Prius in the Internet sales dept sells at MSRP but the dealership allows the retail group to charge over? I would have thought it a "whole dealership policy"; either they do, or don't, allow anyone to sell over MSRP. Sooo, I suppose the retail guys aren't going to mention YOUR name to a potential buyer are they Dianne?