Am buying a 2008 with no key. Dealer said they cannot program a new key, since they believe it needs a new ECU. Of course, their cost is ridiculous. I have salvage cars I can pull keys and the ecu from. Just am a bit confused as to which ECU(s) I need to swap. Might go and try to do the swap rather than tow the car, if it is not too hard to do on site. I appreciate any guidance. Thanks, Tom
If you don’t want to get control units reprogrammed you need to replace 3 or 4 control units. All of those control units are programmed to each other. So you need to take those units and the keys from the same car. Units are: Immobilizer ECU, Smartkey ECU (if your Prius has keyless entry and start), Engine ECU, and HV ECU.
That is what I need to know. Will update once I have the car. The dealer could not program a new key, they said it needs a new ECU and then it would work. Have Techstream but not sure how far I will get without being able to start the car. Suspect not very far. This is why I keep scrap cars. LOL Thanks, Tom
Got it all converted over. Key works. Gas motor does not start. It is seized! It was a repo. I can see why it was let go. We will transplant a new motor in. Had to change all four ECUs but at least I have this one under my belt. FYI for those of you who might endeavor this. It is MHO that the Prius dashboard is pretty decent to work on.