I really need help . I am parking my 2014 Prius trim 5 until a solution is found for my low beams . I literally have at least wrecked 5 times in 2 weeks because I cannot see. The other scary thing is I entered Interstate 85 the wrong way because I couldn't see. So yes my car is parked. Other people that ride with me at night they can't see either. So it's not just me. I have taken my car twice to two different Toyota dealerships. They say that my lights are adjusted fine. I am not a Prius mechanic but I can assure you those lights are not right. I'm not a new Prius owner but this is the nicest one I've ever had. I saved for several years to pay for it in cash so wouldn't have a car payment. And so far I have been terrified. Other people have been terrified. I cannot imagine what that car of people felt like when they were coming head-on at me when I was on the wrong side of the interstate. Thankfully there was enough room for me to jerk my car over without hitting the wall.I have never done anything like that in my entire life. If anybody can help me figure out how to make my low beams brighter and More in front of the car I would greatly appreciate it. I have watched a ton of YouTube videos where it shows to put the screwdriver in the little hole and turn the gear. Yes I've done that. A lot. Or what I would consider a lot. Thank you for your help. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If it's a level five then it's got factory LEDs for lowbeams and they're plenty bright. I've driven the late model Corollas with factory LED lowbeams and they're fine. If the dealer has checked the aim and certified that everything is working, then perhaps you should get your eyes examined by an optometrist/ophthalmologist. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Howdy Maddie. This must be terifing! I will post pics but those polishing kits are amazing and work great. But please do forgive me, but could there in fact be a vision problem As X is asking? Seemed like over night but way back when I turned 40, eyesight just went. More importantly, might be something more pressing then just natural progression. Worth a thunk, me thinks. Please post how your doing with this! We ugly but caring folk. LoL
If you are an older driver, you may be having a hard time with night vision. The LED lowbeam lights do put out a cooler color temp (on the bluish side) beam that may be harder to detect contrast when compared to the warmer old school halogen bulbs that put out light that is on the yellowish side of the color spectrum. Your five also has foglights. Perhaps installing yellow bulbs in the foglights will help with your night vision? This is my daily driver, and as you can see the yellow foglights contrast nicely with the wet pavement in front of the vehicle. These yellow bulbs are 2500K color temp. Your factory LEDs are probably in the 5000 to 6000K temp range. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Can you point the car at a close wall and get a picture of the light pattern to show to us? If your low beams are turned on and functioning -- as opposed to just having the LED DRLs turned on -- then there should be absolutely no problem with brightness. These should actually be brighter than your previous incandescent headlamps, and have a better pattern than any of your 20th Century cars. A wall pattern photo will help us see if the aim is seriously messed up, or if you are mistakenly using the DRLs instead.
Yeah, it sounds like the OP is driving around with the light switch in the DRL position. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
take it to an aftermarket shoppe (in the daytime!) and discuss the issue with them, so they can offer you the best solution. perhaps an indy mechanic can test it at night for you, to determine if it is the car, or your vision. all the best, and please stay off of 95s this january.
So, to recap here: -5 accidents in 2 weeks because you "cannot see" -entered I-85 exit ramp and almost hit someone head-on -lights have been checked by 2 different dealerships, who both said there's no problem with them Read very carefully (I'll use large print so you can see it): STAY OFF THE ROAD. TAKE AN UBER, TAXI OR BUS TO AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST. You may have an eye condition that is not only injurious to your health, but putting other drivers at substantial risk.
I believe you that you've been trying to drive with inadequate lights because your passengers observe the same thing. So, unless your passengers also have vision problems, it's not your eyes. I'm with @fuzzy1 on this. My first guess is that you're driving with the daytime running lights (DRLs) rather than headlights. A picture would help. If that's not it, take it to the Toyota shop after dark (shouldn't be hard to do this time of year) and ask the service manager or someone to take you for a ride and show you how the lights are OK.
Not sure, if the stalk light switch is in the Parking lights position, then DRLs might still be on and running lights all on, including rear running lights. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
So, is this yet another 'one and done' member? She did come back late enough to read the first 5 replies, before vanishing. My top suspicion is operator error with DRLs, but there are other possibilities.
Yeah, probably operator error and too embarrassed to post a reply. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Y'all is a small group...maybe 3-4. All y'all is a bigger group, but also had more emphasis. "Y'all coming to dinner?" "All y'all coming to dinner?" Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.