Sometimes the engine does have a knocking sound or rattling noise only present when the engine starts up and usually when it is cold more so than when it is hot. Anybody had this occur along with these conditions yet? 2013 Prius C
It's totally normal. Sounds like every car I've ever owned. Not to mention the countless cars driven while working for Toyota/GM dealership. Not sure if I remember this correctly, but I want to say I was told it's the hydraulic lifters pumping up. Again, totally normal though. Now a continuous knock? As in a connecting rod or something going out is totally different and if you've ever heard that noise, you won't forget it. It's the sound of a new car or a few hundred dollar repair bill.
I just bought a 2018 Prius C Two. I was reading the manual and it states that intermittent engine knocking is normal. It also states to use 87 octane or higher. Anything under 87 will cause the engine to knock more often.
Thanks for the input from you both. Probably not much to be concerned about really. Does anybody happen to know where on earth is the fuel filter please? (2013 Prius C). This one evades me not even a thread on the subject it would seem.