I'm lucky that most of my driving is covered by the 25-30 mile EV range on my Prius Prime. So far the car has only 776 miles but it's showing 77.9 mpg and continues to go up every time I drive it. Luv it! Unlike my 2004 Prius I like the fact that the Prime can run on its EV and/or Hybrid batteries. I'm beginning to think a tank of fuel could last me over 3 months. If that's the case I wonder if a fuel stabilizer additive will be necessary?
I would think that if you fill the tank within a 6 month interval you should be OK. Just my $0.02 from lots of small engine and outboard motor use experience. Lots of other discussion on the board here in various places.
The handbook has guidelines on this. I think it’s a gallon of new fuel a year. The car will display a message if it needs new petrol. iPhone ?
I find myself engaging the ice more often to make the EV range last, well, I use ice for hills and to get up to speed, 6000 miles and I’m a 97.3mpg, I actually wish the EV-ICE buttons were on the steering wheel, I’d give up the steering wheel heat switch for an ice-ev switch, and I could put up with reaching over for the heated steering wheel switch, btw, heated steering wheel is the best safety product ever, you never take your hands off the wheel. Anyway, yes put something in the gas to keep it stable, these days the gas is going to start turning back into corn and something will crawl out of the tank kidding, but almost true.
I’ve had my Prime a little over two weeks and ran the traction battery “dry” the other day, forcing the ICE on for about one mile (the first / only ICE mile). I sort of wish the dealer had NOT filled the gas tank at delivery! Craig
You're supposed to go through a whole tank every year. I just went through a 3 month period without filling up. I was at 168mpg overall before this latest trip.
Are these mileage figures accurate? I know my Prime also reports mpg greater than 150, but how can that be possible? Aren't the EPA estimates the best possible numbers attainable? Is Toyota miscalculating the mpg?
It’s just a little misleading. This figure doesn’t account for the electricity used. So, if you burned one gallon in 100 miles it would report 100 mpg, and they ignore the 20ish kWh you also used. Craig
If I start my daily trip to the gym in eco, the car gets 80-100 mpg ( a mixture of steep hills ) with min. ICE required. //// Upon return ( car in eco/ev ) I use my saved charge and get 199.9 mpg for 22 miles.
Why do you need gas if it 22 miles? I thought the car would go 25 as min unless it’s really cold iPhone ?
If you forget a fan position, or heat to high, step on the pedal a bit too much, the ICE comes on. However it’s only for a short time, 5 min or less. If Ev is used in the beginning of my trip then nothing is left upon return. That’s the more difficult portion. The solution is not free energy, but best mpg. Incidentally, that 199.9 is equivalent to infinity.