Wikipidia says that Prius means "ahead". Other websites say that Prius means "before or first". Prius even comes up as being part of a spell in one of the Harry Potter books. So... WHAT IF Prius were actually an acronym? What would it be? Here is a chance for you to put your best guess out there for peer review! <_< Let the games begin! B)
Plenty Room Inside Ubiquitous Stuff Prius Racing Is Uber Silly Prius Really Is Ultra Sexy Please Regenerate If Ultimately Speeding People Riding In Underpowered Scooters (Sorry, all in good fun )
Proven Reliable In Ugly Situations (apologies, wstander) Powered Realistically In Urgent Status-quo(!) (so a-I cheat, and b-I am not as clever as many other pcers...)