My WARMEST (It's going to be in the low 90°s here in Anaheim for Thanksgiving!) best wishes to all of you, my semi-known friends on PriusChat!! I am thankful for my Prime and all you folks, all the fun we're having, my distant family, my cat Yewee, my music, my beautiful house and garden, my sweetheart who's now in heaven, who gave me 2 years and 3 days of love, joy, and laughter. May we all know peace and happiness in the tumultuous future!! Henri Pierre Laborde .
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I did all my shopping this morning while everyone else was buying gas to leave town. Retail stores were empty, while grocery stores were packed.
Thanks, Henri! We're having two Thanksgiving celebrations (tomorrow and Friday) with the Ohio side of our family. I'm glad you can be thankful even after loss. Our family is still adjusting to the death in July of our 38 year old son, so this one will be kind of different. But even in hard times we can be thankful, because hard times develop character.
Mr. JerryMildred, I'm so sorry for the loss of your son; I just can't imagine the feelings you and your family are going through. Big hug to you, and may the future be kinder to you. Henri .
90 degrees??? 19 degrees here this morning. I'll trade you. Don't eat too much. It will affect your weight in the car and MPGes as a result.
Isn't it crazy!! And it's just distance/location that determines our local temperatures!! All the meteorologists are saying we've already set new record high temperatures, and Thanksgiving Day will probably be hotter!! I love my A/C, and of course, my Prime. Thanks for the Thanksgiving tips!! Getting together with some of the family on Saturday. .
Thanks, @Prodigyplace and @HPrimeAdvanced. We're doing well. It's still really hard for our daughter-in-law, though. And, Henri, 90 does seem a little toasty for Thanksgiving. A couple years ago in Tampa, it was hotter on Christmas day than on the 4th of July! More normal here in Ohio this week. Forecast tomorrow is a low of 26 and high of 43.
Same for me in SE PA. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Henri. Keep in mind that old Ben wanted the majestic and gracefully delicious Turkey to be our national bird. I'm glad the Bald Eagle was chosen instead, and can now dine with a clear conscience.
Same to you Henri, mon ami, and everyone else here on Priuschat... it was shorts and t-shirt in Monterey today... didn’t need ac though
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. It's always good to think about all of the things that we can be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, from here in SoCal, where it's another 90F Thanksgiving ("Oh, the weather outside is frightful!") To feel cooler, I could truthfully tell myself that it's 32 degrees today. But, of course, that'd be 32C, not 32F...