First time fill it to the max line. Then keep checking the dipstick. If it really doesn’t use oil you can fill it to maybe half way point. Mine uses so little oil that I just fill it to about 2/3 between min and max. Then when it’s time to change the oil level has dropped to about 1/3 between min and max.
Optimal oil level it to keep it at the full line. Thats the level Toyota found it to have the correct splash level.
Thank you all for answering my question, but my car has 80k miles, is that going to affect the optimal oil level?
I don’t know why maximum line would be optimal. Toyota gave maximum and minimum lines. So anything between them should be ok. Of course you should keep the level enough above the minimum and check it often enough to be sure that it newer drops below minimum.
The max line would optimum, if it's likely to be neglected for some time. That's probably why the pros aim for the top mark. Case in point, our daughter has come around to letting me change the oil on her Pilot. When I mentioned periodically checking oil levels, she seemed to think I was speaking another language, mentioned repeatedly that the "Maintenance Minder" was nowhere near zero percent. The spec, with oil filter change, is 4.3 liters (not much for a V6), and when I drained it recently (just past 0% on aforementioned MM), this is all I got: (Red line's at the spec'd quantity. Very dark/knackered looking stuff, too.)
Really these two have nothing to do with each other. As you just need to keep checking the level. Maybe just filling it to half way point and then telling the owner to check the level and ad oil WHEN it gets near the minimum line would be better. Or maybe nothing helps…
Optimal is at the full mark regardless of mileage for two reasons: 1. The more oil you have in there, the more dilute the dirt and contaminants will be. In other, words, the oil will be cleaner. The engine will perform better if the oil is cleaner. 2. All cars burn oil. For example, with 4 quarts at full, you can burn a full quart to be at 3 quarts and the car will still operate as normal. But if you fill only to bottom line at 3 quarts, the car will function fine but you have no room for error.
Speaking of oil, has your PIP been loaded up for its trip to the Granite State? I know you are close to oil change time.