Fellow Humans: I live in Wisconsin and for the last few days I have been scheduling my Prime for departure and using climate prep before departure. However, nothing happens. Car in plugged in to a L2 charger. I lock the car and I even go out to the garage to check on it when it is 10 min before departure and nothing happens. I have the heat on high and the Econ setting off. Do I need to turn on the A/C for this to work? Thank you.
Does it appear that the car finished charging, but the climate prep didn’t work? Are you using the Entune app to schedule the climate mode? Craig
No. I am using the setting in the car to set the climate prep. And yes, it has finished charging every time.
I haven’t tried that method yet. The charge management section in the Entune app looks straightforward, but I haven’t tried the pre-heat function yet. I noticed that if I have the car set to finish charging at 8:30, it usually (at least the 2 or 3 times I’ve programmed it) the charge actually finishes 30 or more minutes earlier than that. Craig
I guess Toyota figures (what if you had to leave earlier?). It wants to ensure you have a full charge close to your original set time.
I guess. If I ever set the pre-heat, I’d want that to finish at the prescribed time and not 30 minutes early. Craig
I figured out the issue that I was having. I was using the charge now option in the car when I was scheduling the climate prep at the same time. When the charge now option is used, it cancels out the scheduled departure schedule which activates the climate prep. Now, what I figured out was that in order for the climate prep to work, I have to schedule the start time for the car to start charging. Then after that the climate prep will start 10 min before the scheduled departure time. My car was nice and warm this morning.
I was hoping the two are mutually exclusive. I.e. the climate prep will still work 10 mind prior to departure time. So you have to set a start and departure time??
Wait, this is only if you use the Charge Now option, right? If not, then you just leave it plugged in and have it charge using the Departure Time setting?
Why not use the Charge Now feature, and 10 minutes before you leave, press the A/C button on the key fob? That means you do not necessarily have to leave at the exact same time every morning, and the car will always be properly conditioned upon entry. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
This is exactly what I do and it works great. I may not always depart at exactly the same time so a manual "A/C Hold" button press guarantees my cabin is warm right before I need it. This way I don't use the heater at all until the HV comes on maximizing my EV range. Obviously, I don't live that far north but it's been in the low 30's here in the early pitch black when I leave.
All my charging is scheduled, but I don't use the climate prep associated with the schedule because our temps are all over the place. Charge now, is always available if the vehicle is plugged in and not full or currently charging as is using the A/C Hold button. They aren't related to each other.
If I charge the car by Plugging in, remove plug, plug-in again (to start charging right away) after work (since I don’t know if I’m going somewhere after supper), will my schedule climate prep still work in the morning?
If I charge the car by Plugging in, remove plug, plug-in again (to start charging right away) after work (since I don’t know if I’m going somewhere after supper), will my schedule climate prep still work in the morning?
If I charge the car by Plugging in, remove plug, plug-in again (to start charging right away)after work (since I don’t know if I’m going somewhere after supper)