Hi everyone, my Gen2 Prius hybrid battery is dead, and I have a free Prius Gen1 hybrid battery. Will I be able to swap it without getting too technical with swapping out cells etc.? Thanks for your input!
Good Lord, No, don't do that Gen 2 batteries are around 202 vdc nominal. Gen 1 batteries are about 274 vdc nominal. Dont try to jerry rig a Gen 1 battery into a Gen 2 car
If you're willing to go to the trouble of attempting to swap modules from a Gen I to a Gen II (which is not a good idea... the Gen 1 modules leak), then why not put your skills to use and replace the offending module(s) and reassemble the battery. Modules aren't too expensive on Ebay. Do you know what's wrong with the battery? Have you scanned it? IMNO, just fix the existing battery. Last month I had to replace a module and a HV ECU. I had a spare module for just such an occasion and the HV ECU was $50 plus S&H. But, it's your money and your car and your skills.
+1 and not just for that reason either. It is just a horrible proposition. I'd take a different tack, if you want to do a lasting and only do it once, If you're willing to go to the trouble of attempting to swap modules from a Gen I to a Gen II, buy a Gen 3 (or NiMH Gen 4) battery from a wreck, the newer the donor vehicle the better, and transplant all of the Gen 3 (or Gen 4) modules into you Gen 2 battery case.