A small panel wouldn't do much. If you added a large panel, you would screw up the aerodynamics and kill your MPG. Your best bet would putting some grid tied panels on your roof, and charge up your car at night from the grid..
I believe we wouldn't really save that much on fuel. When we head into town on a low charge, it's mostly downhill for a mile. And the engine is doing it's warm-up run. At the bottom of the hill, the charge is up and engine is ready to allow EV mode. My wife uses the car a lot more than I do, and she's very happy getting 45 to 50 MPG.. We don't have many miles on the C yet.. I've kinda lost interest in getting better MPGs, because hypermiling has become a habit with us. Lately I get 50+ MPG on just about every trip. It's too easy with this car.