On my 3rd Prius. Questions. 1. Can the charger/ transformer be left plugged into the wall socket 24/7? Theres an amber LED that remains lit when its plugged in. If yes, how much current does it draw plugged in? 2. These windows seem to fog up easily, is there a vent option on this car or are you always choosing a digital temperature and fan speed? 3. What are you all keeping your tire pressure at for best mileage? 4. My wife has about a 14 mile commute to work mostly highways. For the best use of the electric power should she just keep it in EV until the battery is depleted, or should she put it into HV or EV auto and let the engine power the highway miles. Its 28 miles RT. When I saw the manual was close to 9 HUNDRED pages, I had to ask the sales guy, " How in the world does an older (before the tech boom) event hink about owning this car?? Or any other current car for that matter??? He said last week he had to go over this plug in for close to 5 hours because the person was in their 70's and not that technologically savvy....Thanks in advance! -Dave
1. yes, less than 1 watt 2. you also get to choose which vents to use. 3. I am keeping mine at 40 f 38r, for best wear and safety. I am not interested in an unsafe pressure that saves gas. 4. I would start in EV mode, it might make it. Then use HV mode uphills, if any. Then high speed areas. I blame lawyers. The prius is not harder to drive than a normal car, it just excites lawyers.
1. Haven't tried the home charger, I'll let others chime in. 2. Normal with every car that I've had. Either use A/C or heat (or preheat) the car, letting air blow to the windows. Which package (Plus, Premium, Advanced?) If you have Advanced, then consider the Prime Apps in Entune App, so that you can preheat or precool the car from your phone. 3. Low 40s psi for me. 4. Not sure, I'll let others in NJ chime in. (17 doesn't count as a highway ) If you're stuck in traffic and/or going 45 a lot instead of 75, then electric is probably sufficient. I will note that high-speed highway driving, especially uphill, drains your battery fast. I think that it's better to have the engine warmed up and ready to go in those circumstances. 784 pages for the regular manual, plus another 308 pages to use the 11.6 touch screen, plus warranty, plus a quick-start guide... Happy reading, there'll be a 200 question multiple-choice test at the end!!
Ok, another question......Does running the daytime lights affect the EV range at all? Wheres the adjustment screen to turn them off anyway? Thanks for all the help! -Dave
It should have a minor effect, yes. OFF may be a choice on the stalk, it depends on your location. (in the UK, it would be illegal to turn them off, so you can't)
None until @john1701a decides to make a User Guide for the Prime/Gen 4 . (So far, he has the first 3 generations)
It usually takes nearly a year to collect enough observations, comments, and suggestions. Today, I was busy filming my first cold commute... in 4K.
This came up in another thread a week or so ago and several of us measured the power draw of the EVSE cable. I measured it at 0.6 watts, and someone else measured it at 2 watts. I don't know why we got such a difference, but either way it's very small amount.
True in many countries, including UK and Canada. The 3 USA trim levels have two types of setups on their light control stalk. Both of those have DRL off positions. USA owner's manual page 338 - 341.
1> I keep mine plugged in all the time. 2> There's no real "Vent" like older cars, and it wouldn't be good for defogging in any case. 3> I keep the recommended pressure. I could go higher and get a little better gas mileage, but the ride would be harsher and not quite as safe. 4> The first part of my commute is highway too and I switch to HV for it, I get *much* better overall gas mileage that way. The only way I'd recommend only EV is if almost all of the commute is in the EV range. My commute is 35 miles each way though, and I can't charge at work. At 14 miles each way, she may be able to make it all the way in EV. I'm averaging about 28 miles EV range...