Loosely topical, so I'll post it... Gas Savers: Myths and Secrets Do Those Informercial Gas Saver Gadgets Really Work? 7/13/2006 John Stossel and Frank Mastropolo, ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=2188905&page=1 Excerpts: "Plenty of companies claim if you just buy their products you'll save on gas... America's official testing agency for gas-saving devices is the EPA in Washington. They've tested 109 so-called gas savers. 'The devices and the additives that we have tested, just don't work,' says Margo Oge, director of the EPA's office of transportation and air quality. 'We have been doing it for 35 years, and we have seen pretty much everything that you can imagine.'" The article also offers some legitimate ways to save on gas. Unfortunately, driving a hybrid like the Prius was not on their list.
"Roll the windows down — turn off the air conditioner. Some people believe that at highway speeds, there's so much drag from an open window that you'd save gas by putting the windows up and using the air conditioner. But that's a myth. Consumer Reports ran tests and found that at any speed, using the air conditioner burns more gas." Is this correct for the Prius as well? I remember some threads discussing that the AC was preferable at highway speeds... What is better - AC or open windows on the highway?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Don-RI @ Jul 15 2006, 10:59 AM) [snapback]286803[/snapback]</div> I don't believe so - the AC in a normal car is powered directly from the engine, rather than the electric AC in the Prius (04 and onwards). At highway speeds, drag caused from airflow (especially in a Prius, which has a very aerodynamic body) is substanially higher with the window open.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveG @ Jul 15 2006, 02:22 PM) [snapback]286845[/snapback]</div> I'll vouch for that. I find that driving with all the windows down (especially the rear windows) at highway speeds does in fact lower MPG more than it does with the windows up and the AC on medium. I didn't do any scientific tests, but that seemed to be my perception when I tried it.
no they wont help..its just a multi level marketing product that is of no use to anyone with a car built after around 1996...besides, on a new car it will void the warranty...be happy you are driving the best gas milage car sold.
The issue of AC/Windows has been debated and tested with results going both ways depending on the test method and the car. At speeds below 65mph my Mustang gets better mpg with ac off windows open, above close the windows and turn on the AC. The AC takes about 3mpg at 65mph or about 10%. In the city its worse cause the RPM's are higher and there is little wind drag. Often not mentioned... Vent on, Windows closed AC off is of course better. Fuel saving gadgets that do work.... Low rolling resistence tires <most hybrids have em, most others dont> Free flowing muffler or air filter <K&N etc, helps far more on non hybrids then on hybrids> I have had good luck with acetone too.
"Using data from that test done more than 20 years ago, Robinson kept the government from shutting his business down. The Environmental Protection Agency later ran tests and now says the product doesn't work." Hahahahaha!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
On Mythbusters, they tested driving with the aircon on full blast versus all the windows all the way down. What would be more useful would be testing windows open a little bit vs aircon on a little bit. I use aircon when it's say 28 outside, I have it set to 24 or 23 (celcius, obviously). I can't tell any difference to the MPG. There should be of course, but other factors seem to completely mask it. I suspect we have less powerful compressors in the UK.. B
No difference? I wish it was true. My S2000 gas mileage is killing me this week with the heat wave in the West coast. I drove less than 60 miles since refill this week, but the car is telling me I used about 4 gallons already. And this is with the top up. Dang, that is 15mpg. My normal commutes are AC off, top down... and I usually get 20mpg (all city driving).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(brandon @ Jul 15 2006, 03:26 PM) [snapback]286878[/snapback]</div> That's the thing - do people actually have multiple windows all the way down when driving at highway speed? I open the driver's window about 2" to 3" and the back right window about the same for good airflow thru the car at speeds over 25 mph. But at least in my other cars with ICE-powered A/C, as soon as I'd click the A/C button I could feel the engine pulling harder. To me, it was clear if you're cruising around less than 50mph the air drag is low enough that windows down is much better than A/C on, particularly if your windows aren't fully opened. If you're just sitting in traffic, barely crawling along, there's often no alternative to sweating but to use A/C. That really kills my mpg (now happily at 52.9).