Model 3 - Comes out to $40-45k after rebates Yes, pricey, but the self driving feature (which Elon promises by the end of the year) is life changing. This is like a Chauffeur at all times. The 200-300 miles is good enough for most driving. The only downside is the $10-20k extra in money, but I think over 10 years of self driving... this is worth it. What do you guys think?
Not enough range to take out-of-town, never need that much range in-town, not a lift-back, too expensive, Tesla has had a lot of problems with reliability of little stuff (doors, door handles and the like) and fit/finish. Not interested in the least. I'll be waiting for a reliable Ev that has a 450+ mile range, a reasonable price and a more well-developed charging infrastructure so that it can be taken out-of-town anywhere I want to go.
It is life changing, after it slips everywhere in slush or crashes in its first ice storm, or gets lost or stuck in a construction zone, or hits a small a brick or object on the highway that it could have just swerved around. I still don't trust that the technology is smart enough to know what to do.
Most of the people who have actually seen and driven a Model 3 so far were happy with it. It should be a good car. The biggest issue with getting one is timing. Unless you're on the reservation list, Tesla has a 1-2 year backlog of orders, so I wouldn't expect to get one before 2019-2020 if you put down a reservation today. Also, full self-driving is likely still a few years off. Tesla does seem to be the current market leader in vehicle autonomy, but they're still at level 2. To get to level 4 or 5 and be legitimately self-driving, I think they're going to need longer to refine the software and work out the issues.
My biggest problem with Tesla is that they don't support DIY or independent mechanics. You want a part? Get the car to a factory store and they'll put it in. Or try to buy the part from a salvage yard.
You do not list your location, here in MS charging is far enough apart you will always be searching for stations. (the 3 has a 300 mile range but Jackson to Memphis is 220 miles and Jackson to Dallas is 405 miles, each on the shortest route. There is one charging location between Jackson and Memphis, (Grenada MS) and 2 between Jackson and Dallas (max 190 miles) but none in Dallas. (they are coming soon) There is one in Arlington TX, not far beyond Dallas, and one close to the shortest route in Lindale TX If you 'never' travel more than 250 miles a day, a Tesla will be fine. (assuming it holds your lifestyle) If Toyota made a Prius v PHV I would have purchased it. I need the cargo room the v offers me, and I take the fuel economy hit to get that cargo room. (But I would have liked 5 mile electric range)
Kenji4861. I recommend you to purchase Tesla Model 3, let us know your review. In regards self driving feature will not provide you convenience in the near future unless mass population adapts, as per previous threads, there are many drivers that have lets say certain aggressive driving characteristic(s). One significant lesson from Hurricane "Harvey", gasoline prices went up, in some gasoline stations there were no gasoline and electricity were scarce (few days electricity was restored). Hence having dual fuel (gasoline and electricity) provided better fuel resourcing options
No. Too expensive. Too long of a wait to buy. Reliability concerns. Service center 100’s of miles away (see previous) Rather have a hatch. Not “sold” here. Still too few chargers in my area. Even @ current charge speeds, too long of a wait while traveling. Still content w/ PHEV till more choices and/or lower prices.
Kenji, how many of Elon's promises (your words)/projections/estimates arrive on time? Now why is his prediction of "self driving" (do you mean level 5?) realistic? As a reservation holder from the first day I have not been shown any hard numbers nor have I been asked to turn the reservation into an order. At best Tesla will have the capacity to build 5000 cars/week. I suspect it will be a long time before they will be able to sell a Model 3 to you and by then Tesla's tax credits will have expired.
I switched from Model 3 to a Model S to a Model X. But I ended up buying a Prius Prime Advance yesterday because it has more safety features bundled in. Plus you will most likely miss the deadline to be eligible for the 7500 tax incentive and if congress had their way with tax reform, you're looking at 0 tax incentive. Want DRCC (adaptive cruise control?), Lane Departure, Better buy Enhanced Auto Pilot for 5k at the time of purchase Want Blind Spot and Cross Traffic Alerts? These features don't exist on the Tesla Although I am a huge fan of Tesla, they have major issues with fit and finish. Unaligned trims, squeaky cabins, poor QA. The list goes on and on. If you also look at EAP and FSD (Enhanced Auto Pilot and Full Self Driving) EAP is worse than Autopilot 1 that was released 2 years ago. It's not even on Parity of AP1 for 2x the cost.
You had a model 3 and switched it to a model s then x? They produced like 100 of those so far. If you really did get one you could have sold it to someone in the bay for ~2x the amount you paid.
I put 1000 down for a Model 3 Reservation but I ended up changing my minding to a S/X but I had cold feet because the nearest service center is 3 hours away from me. (I should of clarify) I still have a 1000 deposit down for the 3 but it looks like I won't be getting that until 2019 at the earliest. By that time the Porsche Mission E, Jaguar E-Pace, and Audi Q5 EV will be out I might jump ship.
What we think doesn't matter but rather everyone's individual requirements. For our family, 80-90% City driving, the Model 3 meets our requirements as does our 2014 BMW i3-REx and 2017 Prius Prime. It is long distance travel that the Model 3 (or any other BEV like the Volt) falls down. Our two plug-in hybrids consistently take 5-10 minutes to refuel at any of the huge number of gas stations which many are open 24x7 within easy gas tank range. In contrast, the Model 3 recharging time varies from 120VAC, 240VAC, CHAdeMO, or SuperCharger. Although 120/240VAC are common, the Model 3 charging speeds would be measured in days and way too slow for a practical, cross country travel. The rarer high speed chargers, CHAdeMO and SuperCharger, can put a reasonable distance in 30 minutes or so but they continue to restrict the available Model 3 routes. This is a problem shared with all of today's BEVs. My Mom lives 700 miles away; three of four brothers live 1,000 miles away; favorite aunt, fourth brother, and cousins live 2,000 miles away. None of them are on well defined, 24x7 charger network routes. So today, a Model 3 won't meet our cross country and vacation travel requirements. Bob Wilson
Ah I understand then. Tesla is close to me, but I don’t live in a place where I can even charge so prime was the right choice for me. Although, I do admire what Tesla was able to achieve with the Model 3 and will forever be envious of anyone that owns one. It’s a remarkable car. They’ll figure out fit and finish.
Well it's a luxury car (or entry level luxury) so.... ignoring all the EV and tech stuff, that right off the bat removes it from contention for some people. Here is my opinion.... Reasons not to buy Expensive (c'mon, you're buying a Tesla, you're not buying the $35,000 one, you want the $50,000 one with enhanced autopilot, dual motor and long range... oh and for me, convert it into CAD) Quality/Fit and Finish Reliability (not the powertrain... all the other stuff) Buying a promise (never seen anyone pay for something in a car that isn't working when they pick up the car and is promised will work a year later) Lack of buttons or stalks for certain quick access functions (using the two steering wheel buttons to adjust the mirrors is an ingenious solution. Using the MFD to the turn on the wipers is not) One emergency exit handle. I know it's highly unlikely but when you need to get out of the car and the power is cut, having everyone exit via the driver's door isn't always ideal. Tesla should have one on each side of the car (Edit: There are two emergency exit handles, one on each front door. There is none in the rear) Around here, every L2 charging station is filled with Teslas (honestly, do these people not have home chargers? or I guess the richer you are, the more stingy you are) to the point where certain shopping malls are installing Tesla home chargers so that other BEVs/PHEVs can use L2 chargers And just so it doesn't look like I'm bagging on the Model 3... Reasons to buy Excellent LED headlights Excellent cargo capacity (they fixed the trunk opening, right?). The fold down seat opening is very large Ingenious air vent design in the dashboard Spacious interior Surprising attention to detail on the interior door panels - lots of soft touch material on both the upper and lower door panels Excellent solution to phone charging (not Qi Wireless... it has a tray where you can wire in your cable phone charger and hide it so that your phone charges via cable - much faster than Qi and because it's semi-permanent, you don't have to worry about taking out/putting back cables or plugging in 12V outlet chargers) It supposedly drives like a sport sedan which is appealing.
the only reason not to buy is that you can't buy. ask me when you can, then i'll formulate an opinion based on the competition at that time. if i live that long. i'm not as young as i used to be. is that you in the pic, or are you an old gas bag like me?