Tried to no avail to find something about this specifically related to the Prius C 2 with the regular gated shifter. Customer of ours bought a 2010 Prius C 2; twice now it has had an issue where it will start and run, but we get no "ready" light and while we can move the gear selector to any gear, it does not shift out of park. Any ideas?
If will not shift into gear because it is not in READY mode. If you have no trouble lights, is the brake light switch good? If it is bad, it will not sense the foot on the brake when turning the car on. If the yellow triangle is lit, there are trouble coeds that can be read by a dealer to troubleshoot further. If you post those codes, we can advise further.
Gets weirder - we have the "ready" light, but no action at all from the gear selector. 12V battery is new. The last time it did this we replaced the 12v and it went back to normal. This time, I've disconnected the 12v for 15 minutes, reconnected, and still have the issue. Towing it into the shop tomorrow.
There's no such thing as a 2010 Prius C, the first model year was 2012. Are you talking about a regular Prius, or a later-model Prius C?
The "gated shifter" doesn't do what you think, probably. It is ONLY a switch that signals the computers. There are no "gears" and the shifter does not connect to the transmission physically.
It's a 2012. Brain fart. On the Prius C 1 and C 2, it still has a physical shifter with a cable, and in this case, the cable broke. I'm ordering another one.