Hello, does lower temperature cause lower MPG? (i use the a/c and xenon lights a lot, considering i go to work very early and come home late) currently, i have, on average, 39-42 MPG, but when it was warmer and i didnt use any of the above mentioned, i got 45-50 average MPG (driving in a city)
the battery is less efficient, and the engine has to run more to stay at temp. and then heat uses even more. i have seen an average of 20% between the best weather, and the worst. keep an eye on your tyres pressure as well.
Have you considered using a winter front to keep the engine warmer? When I lived in the Midwest I made winter fronts for all my vehicles. They worked!
I doubt you would need grill blocking many days in Georgia assuming the OP is in the US. If they are in Russia, then it would be much colder.
Very true. When I made winter fronts I could open it up with snaps and zippers (depending on how much area I needed to open up.). Hopefully this will also help others who may live in areas colder than Georgia.
Foam pip insulation blocking part of the grill seems to be a popular, inexpensive option here. My Gen 4 has active grill shutters so the car takes care of that.
That's pretty cool! Back in the 50's and early 60's Volvo use to have a chain located under the dash. You pull the chain and a "blind" would be raised to block the radiator. Now I want Acitve Grill Shutters on my Gen 1 and Gen II, I'm jealous.
Just curious, has winter blend gas arrived at gas stations across the country? In my city, it seems that we're still on regular gas.
Actually it looks like the change happened earlier this year. EPA extends a waiver on motor fuel contents to apply nationwide, not just to Texas
Yes it does for a variety of reasons Engine runs richer to warm up as it's starting at a colder temperature Winter fuel blend has more additives so there's less gasoline per unit volume Colder air is denser, need more energy to move through it Using the heater will require the engine to run more often or for longer to provide heat Blocking the grille and using an engine block heater can help speed up the warming process for the engine.