I was looking at a E55 AMG recently that I was trying to buy (2005). The car comes with a "solar module" option which give solar panels on the roof. What are these for? I don't really get the point of what these solar panels do for the car. I've read that the Maybach's solar panels can run the AC if the engine isnt running (find that hard to believe). Does anyone know about what these sloar panels do?
They probably keep the 12V topped off. You can by aftermarket panels (plugged into the cig lighter) to do the same thing.
If it's like my Audi A8 it powers the fan while the car is parked to keep the interior from super-heating. It was part of the "hot weather package" on the A8.
It is a thing of beauty. It may not do much but any step in that direction is a step in the right direction.
A former co-worker of mine has one. The only car I've ever drove that actually scared me while acclerating. The speed is completly undescribable. We would actually run out of road, doing 120 in 4th gear. Complete over kill if you ask me. But it was a very nice car.
The real answer is...it keeps the A/C running for a while followed by the fan in order to keep the vehicle cool. It works amazingly, but MB didin't find it too popular so, I believe that they removed it from their 06 models. I definitely wouldn't mind that at all. Maybe we can adapt this to our cars?!