Always have, always will. (My mama, she done talked real good to me!!! ) My other pet peeves: heighth instead of height asterik instead of asterisk ax insteat of ask relator instead of realtor calvary instead of cavalry (when referring to the Army instead of Christianity) plus a few others I can't remember right now And my number one, all-time, can't-stand-it-anymore pet peeve: nucular instead of nuclear (which the Moron-in-Chief can't get right to save his soul....)
I've only heard it as an ethnic mispronunciation, not a regional one. However, that's not to say that it didn't start out in a certian region. It's just as irritating whichever way it started! (" want to AX me something??? Who are you, Lizzie Borden????????)
I've never heard anyone over the age of 4 say this, but just thinking about it is making my bones hurt.
Great websight, Alan! (tee hee!) I forgot another HUGE pet peeve of mine--the utter lack of knowledge about apostrophes, commas, and the like. When did people stop knowing the difference between plural and possessive (or plural possessive for that matter)?????????????????