I am new to this forum and I have searched here and online and have not had an easy time finding the cup holder insert that goes in the center console. I eventually found it on eBay but the seller is asking around $130. Does anyone know where I can get it for less? Below are pictures.
If you come up with an answer to your question, let me know. I too was looking for the same thing. Seems impossible to find. I have found an insert that can go in the lower console, underneath the shifter (I call that area my purse holder!) and that insert adds two cup holders and a rectangular sort of tray....but, I don't want to reach down there for a drink when there's supposed to be a cup holder in the center console.
this is interesting. they got rid of the sliding armrest, and i have never seen this. looks pretty cool, is it supposed to come with the car? have you tried salvage yards?
That doesn't look like the one that came with my 2010. Probably a "new and improved" after market version.
Exactly! Ive seen that one but you know how it is, we always want what is harder to get or cant be found! lol If the lower one was hard to find then we would probably be looking for that one!
Have you found one cheap online??? I've been looking allover for one Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The part number for the one the OP has pictured is 08471-47050 (The cup holder with additional storage space) However, I haven't had any luck finding one in stock, or on a page in English...
I just bought the cup holder and little tray for my console for about 84 and some change from my dealer.
I don't have an answer for you. But $130 for a cup holder insert? Even if it does offer the convenience of fitting in your center console seems ridiculous. It seems nice, but even $84 dollars seems ridiculous. I've got an adjustable, locking-2 cup holder console, that I keep in my passenger seat when nobody is riding with me, and it holds 2 drinks of various sizes, has a place for glasses and/or anything....and I think it cost me less than $15. Before I did anything, I'd take a walk down a Wally World automotive aisle and see if there is anything else that might meet your needs. If I REALLY wanted it? You might talk me into shelling out $84, but you'd have to knock me unconscious and steal my wallet before I'd shell out over $100 dollars for those plastic inserts.
Walmart sells metal cups (Ozark Trail 18 oz Stainless Steel) in the camping section for $4 that perfectly fits the round space for the OEM cup. I removed the handles and used velcro to attach it on the front-facing part and supported it underneath with a small piece of wood. It sits there perfectly to where the console top is partially opened, and holds fairly large sizes of cups or anything else (like my mobile) without any problem. It's not perfect, but who can beat $4 and some velcro?
I'm interested in this too. I bought my car used and hate how there's only 1 main cup holder, with 4 small cup holders in very inconvenient places (1 on each door and 2 in the lower console that I call my cell phone holder).
Search for part 58925-47010 and look at the images. Several dealerships sell it for around $28 + shipping and others have it listed as out of stock. I think that the cup holders with additional storage section behind it is only sold in Japan. Image of original cup holder in console. Prius-2010-center-console by Beeach posted Jan 12, 2020 at 10:38 PM My make-shift $4 metal cup holder (Ozark from Walmart) held in place with velcro: Prius-cupholder-substitute by Beeach posted Jan 12, 2020 at 10:38 PM
UPDATE: After using this for the past month or so, I have two issues: 1) The sticky velcro side doesn't stick too well to the plastic of the console. I have to reattach regularly. 2) The metal cup holder rattles, depending on what I have in it. I lined it with black shelf liner and electric tape. Looks fine (i.e. okay) but I am not sure how this holds up over time, when summer hits. Being self-employed, I'd better work some extra time and buy the real cupholder. I hope this will sit deeper all the way to the bottom of the console, so a water bottle won't stick out so much and I won't hit it with my elbow.
As a new member, I am not allowed to post the link yet...but I just found this on ebay for $32.97 + $21.18 shipping (from Japan to Colorado). Seller is "partsinbox" and the title of the item is "58925-47010 Toyota Pocket, console box, rear 5892547010" which is weird because the title doesn't mention it's a cup holder, but the picture is the removeable cup holder. Hope this helps someone...