I have local used car lot guy asking for $12K for 150K high mileage what seems to be in good condition v. This sounds too much regardless age. Are prices that crazy for v?
I'm far from a v expert, but I'd think it would depend a great deal on how the car is equipped as well as its condition.
Use Edmunds.com or KBB.com and see what others are paying for a similar vehicle in your area. Local markets for specific cars vary widely across the country.
Well, isn't it hard to track high mileage sales via Edmund /kbb as values? I don't think there are many 150K mileage v out there in used car market... What's your take in it. I think it's good $6500 car likely due to HV battery / shocks and struts and other parts replacement costs.
Pretty, pretty, pretty crazy, as Larry David would say. Maybe 10k. See attached for KBB. Most used car dealers want to get you twice, once on the price and the second on the financing. Maybe a third time if you miss a payment and they send a guy to take it back.
@rjparker in this case it's true as the v in question here was listed with on of Dodge dealer and then re-appear on private used car lot. Looks like the car did change hands between dealers hence has few grands markup.
All value "services" (NADA, KBB, Edmonds) have a metric they use for deducting for mileage -- regardless of year. I just bought a '13 V. My credit union uses NADA value to determine the max they would loan for the car. If a dealer is asking more than the book value, they're dreaming -- because the buyer will not be able to borrow enough to cover the price.
I think the auction price ( black book) was way lower than that- maybe as low as $6K- hope he didn't buy at the inflated price. Since the Prius v has been discontinued for sale in the USA, if I was a non-Toyota dealer with a high mileage v, I would take it to the auction, before the buying public finds out about the end of new Prius v sales. I expect auction prices to be lower for the next year- and that also = lower trade in values.