LOL, don't shoot the messenger, just thought of your using a vehicle in a way proscribed by the manufacturer to meet importation regulations. FWIW, it is allowed in UK!
I think the point is the rider covers your camper. Not damage to the car resulting from the tow. I tend to agree that Toyota is overly conservative on towing. But, if you tow something and your car is damaged, any warranty will certainly be voided. As for the rest of your contentions, I reject the premise. I think most people on here are conscientious owners. They may or may not be misinformed. And, they may or may not agree with you. But I believe you have mischaracterized them.
Reject the premise all you want. Go browse the gen3 repair forum and right on the first page are numerous posts from people facing major repair bills on their Prius, said they can't afford the bills and are new posters to these forums. as far as your opinion on towing, all I read was blah blah blah.
Yup. Blah blah blah says all I need to know about you too. Assuming there is a block function on this board, you'll be the first I use it on. Congrats!
He was just added to the other three When browsing, just click the username of one of their posts & then clock "Ignore".
That's awesome. Who else needs a stuffed animal and the nearest safe space because someone disagrees with you?
LOL! Don't get me started (again!) on the many babies, bullies, and nut-jobs that populate this website. You will learn to recognize the four or five guys, who never even drive their car it seems.... but they are loaded with advice and criticism! They follow each other around, and keep "liking" each other. They live on this website 20 hours a day?! They got thousands of posts, but are they ever out driving??? To each his own, but it's kind of sad, really. I think this Prius chat room is all they have to do. But in all fairness, maybe some are elderly? handicapped? don't leave the house much? I don't want to sound too snarky... I certainly have a few physical limitations. OK fellas, add me to your ignore list. And just drive it.... (Back on topic, check your tire pressure at least once a month! Along with your oil level. And while you're at it, change out that nasty cabin filter that you've had in there for six years! 15 bucks is not going to kill ya.)
Yeah a few here crack me up. Prodigy guy been here 10 months and has averaged 350 posts a month. And the Canadian that posts on every forum, including ones that are specific to a car he doesn't own and constantly reminds us his car sits in his garage and has a different oil change schedule. But if you openly disagree with them they not only ignore you, they tell you they are doing so as they go bury their head in the sand and hide from opposing views. You nailed it. Bullies, babies and nut jobs. Now excuse me as I have to go prepare my camper for a 3500 mile trip. It will be towed by my new gen 4 that doesn't even have 1k miles in it yet.