Over the past 6 or so months sometimes when I shift to park instead of going into Park right away there is a few seconds delay. It doesn't happen constituently. Some times it happens a couple or so times a month. Sometimes weeks will go by without it happening. Has this happened to anybody or anybody have any ideas? Thanks!
Yeah that's what I thought too but the 12v. says 12.8 after sitting overnight so it should be ok right? Plus it happens when the car is still on my scan gage says it's 14v. with the car on.
I've never had that happen. Is it possible the Prius is still moving slightly when you press Park? When parking I often hit Park then gather my stuff before powering down & the Prius always goes into park instantly.
I think @Mendel Leisk had some strange issues when he left a ScanGauge connected to his car. You might want to try without it plugged in to see if the issue recurs.
Sorry a typo it was 12.3, yeah it's the original battery. For sure the car is at a dead stop when I hit the park button. Also once it happened when I went to shift to drive. It stayed in park and then after a few seconds went into drive, but it only did that once. Oh I don't leave the scan gage hooked up when the car sits overnight. I checked the volts a few weeks ago so I should check it again but I still think it doesn't matter what the volts are after the car sits overnight since it happens when the car is running and the volts are high at that point. Am I wrong thinking this?
that's a good question. either way though, you're battery is borderline. you may want to try charging or replacing it.
Does it do it if you just power off without hitting Park first? I realize it would take a while to determine that since it's intermittent. It sounds like you're due for a new 12V, but I'm not convinced that that's it. When a texter blasted our 12V into a quatrillion pieces while we waited in drive at a stop light, the car very much put itself into Park. Tow truck driver had to drag it onto the truck with the front tires sliding all the way.
I would suggest a bad connection in de P button. Why would you say "hit power off button first by accident". The car goes in park when you power off. I never press the P button when powering off the car, and my driveway is on an incline. I reverse up to my garage, press the brake, power off and release the brake. Done, time to get out.
Years ago, I think 2004 when I got my first Prius there was some talk here about the car doing something strange and people said it tended to happen when you powered off the car without putting it in park first. I don't remember what it was anymore but from that point on I always got into the habit of putting the car in park first then powering off. Perhaps somebody else that's been here from the beginning can remember what that was all about.
How about when the delay happens, does your car suddenly jerk backward or forward like on an normal automatic putting it park on slight down or uphill? That happens to my prius.
It doesn't do anything abnormal. Just a few second delay, doesn't jerk, no messages, nothing. Just like an old Star Trek episode where things were off a few seconds. Maybe it's aliens LOL