October 2017 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Sales Report Card Prius plug-in plugging along, no breakout yet. Hats off to the champion Bolt and the emerging Chrysler Pacifica moving up to 1k+ monthly sales. Leaf sales finally fading out for the new 2.0 model later this year.
Interesting... if you look at the numbers through October, the chart shows total EV sales (all makes and models) as 152,360 this year and 120,592 for 2016. That's an increase of a little over 26%. The absolute numbers are not impressive, but the growth in the category looks pretty solid. The year-to-date figures published by the Wall Street Journal show Toyota's total car sales down by 11.6% compared with 2016 and total car sales for all manufacturers down by 10.4%. Because the Prius Prime was not yet available for most of the 2016, it's impossible to assess any meaningful year-over-year numbers. It would appear that while the plug-ins remain a niche, they are gaining in popularity. For the most part, I think the manufacturers are still unsure what the consumer wants and are using the "early adopters" as a way to hone both their technology and their marketing strategies.
Not worried. The number of lost hybrid sales seems to be less than the gained plug in ones. Hybrid sales are more sensitive to gas prices than plug ins. The popular car segments are SUVs and Crossovers. There are fewer hybrid choices among them. The ones available have sales growing.
Nissan needs to get that 60 kWh battery into the Leaf before the Tesla Model 3 hits or they may find themselves free falling.
The Pacifica Plug-In Hybrid is on fire all of the sudden due to it's re-release. That's encouraging. I don't think that model is nationally available yet, is it?
Waymo said it will begin taking applications today from Phoenix-area residents who want to be among the hundreds of riders testing out an expanded fleet of Chrysler Pacifica Plug-In Hybrid minivans outfitted with Waymo's myriad autonomous car sensors. Google's Waymo to test autonomous Chrysler's Pacifica minivans in public test trials Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If Chrysler’s first in class Pacifica pans out with decent or better reliability going forward, they deserve some redemption points. No where to go but up.
If Toyota would release a hybrid or plug-in hybrid minivan that looked sporty, it could be attractive to a younger market, if priced reasonably. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
purchased my first chrysler and fiat products in the 70's, have been waiting 40 years for quality to improve.
Had a bad diode in a control board. They stopped all 2017 deliveries, made a recall, and re-released it as a 2018, as no dealer wanted to be stuck with the very same (fixed) "2017" models with that kind of delay.