12 cents more and at Costco we are at $2.89/gallon. Currently driving at 46MPG so $1 goes 15.9 miles. And think about the Costo 4% gas pump cash back. Charge it up with tier3 electricity at 26 cents per kwh. Currently 6.5kwh charging gives out 25 miles so $1 goes 14.8 miles. Back to pure gasoline mode even after the hike.
In Anaheim, we just jumped to 2.80/gal at Arco for regular, winter formulation gas. My electric rate currently is 0.22 per kWh at Bella Terra ChargePoint, to 0.14 per kWh at home where I do most of my fuel ups. My monthly electric cost has gone up so far (our electric rate recently went up slightly) an average of $5/month which falls within the margin of variability. My MAIN electric cost is A/C. My natural gas bill total/month is about $8; I almost never heat the house. My monthly gasoline bill has dropped from an average of $90 to $10! Bite me Chevron (I used to work for the turkeys at El Segundo refinery). .
I would be with you on your decision, but I installed a 5KW solar system on my house before I got my Prius so I am always either on (leased) solar power at 17c/KWH or SDG&E tier one at 20c/kwh. I also have a minimum of $10.53/month whether I use SDG&E's power or not, so $10.53* is already paid for so might as well use it. Before I got solar power I was part of my bill was in tier 4... the most expensive rate. Now we are down to only 2 tiers, and I NEVER hit tier 2... even charging my Prime and drying with and electric clothes drier. What? You don't have any electric clothes! LoL *They instituted the "minimum" AFTER I got my solar panels! Keep in mind they sell my excess power to my neighbors at TIER 2 rates! Like I am hurting them???
Admittedly a high-water mark, my last fill-up was at $1.44 a litre, which converts to roughly $4.25 (US) per US gallon, if my math is right.
up $0.20 one day, up $0.25 the next day. We're now at $2.85. (Well, we were this morning...) ($3.19 in Chicago)
Those price JUMPS are brutal! @Prodigyplace seems to have a "kinder" pricing environment! The strange part about this, is that the winter gasoline blends are cheaper to produce. Could our dear oil companies be getting greedy??!! Perish the thought!! .
OPEC had called for reductions in productions in order to cut down on the oversupply in the market, and more members are complying this year. On top of that, output from northern Iraq was reduced by the conflicts among the various parties there. The impact of the hurricanes might still be influencing prices, too.
California had a $0.12 / gallon increase go into effect yesterday: https://www.google.com/amp/www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-gas-tax-increase-political-battle-20171031-story,amp.html I filled up on Halloween to save a $1.
We get different blends because smog is worse in hot summer time and a different gasoline blend is sold to help keep smog levels down. (Not going to go into all the chemical makeup here). Our Winter Blend is cheaper to produce. .
Yup, we get it as well. Tends to be October through March. It also does not burn with as much BTU's so in a normal vehicle, you'll notice a mileage drop when you switch to it. I thought winter blend was nation wide.
It still must be customized to the local climate. Winter in Montana and Minnesota is very different from winter in SoCal and Florida. Swap the formulations, and one side will be getting vapor lock while the other gets cold start failures.
Tends to use cheaper components. Butane is one. The universal difference between summer and winter blends is cold starting ease.