What is this piece of metal in front of the radiator? Wife was rear ended and it caused her to hit the car in front of her as well, bending this metal piece pictured. Thanks! iPhone ?
Thanks! I’m guessing that is not supposed to be curved, so I’ll make sure the adjuster notes it. iPhone ?
Hopefully that helps. It’s suppose to curve the other way. There’s foam in front of it that should also be replaced. iPhone ? Pro
Is this the piece in question: The aduster should note that without your intervention. To miss it would be dereliction of responsibility. A hit hard enough to bend that likely has other ramifications, and either the adjuster will find them at the outset, or the bodyshop fill discover as they disassemble things, and there will be some back-and-forth between them and the adjuster.
Thanks for all the help everyone! The bent piece I was asking about is the bumper reinforcement. I suspect that our Prius was pushed into a the trailer hitch of the car in front of us (our license plate looks like someone tried to hammer it into a bowl shape). Unfortunately that car immediately left the scene of the accident, but at least the truck which rear ended our Prius did stay on the scene (and has insurance). iPhone ?
Grrrrr! Hope your wife is OK. Down here, rear ending people is a passion. Most of the people in our office have been hit from behind in the past 2-3 years.
Every time I look at the thread title, I keep thinking it's something to do with installing a mesh of some sort in behind the intake grilles, to protect the AC compressor and inverter coolant radiator from rock damage, btw.