I drove 55 miles and got 72.0 MPG today! We have a route through our downtown that I've always thought was well suited for this car. The lights are all synchronized, and the speed limit is 30-35 MPH. When I first came to town, I drove this route every day. I thought it would be interesting to drive 50 miles or so over this route to see what kind of MPG I would average. That's about 2 hours of driving. Now, mind you, I didn't try to set a record. I didn't try to optimize my mileage by "dead banding" or pulsing and gliding. I simply drove, about half the time on cruise. Although the lights are synchronized, there were still lots of stops. The route is only about 3-1/2 miles long, after which I had to stop and turn around. I often had to stop to get back in sync with the lights as well. Obviously I wasn't going for a Prius record, or I would have used a test track. I was just curious what kind of MPG I might get driving an everyday route like this. Temperatures ranged from 70-79 degrees, and it rained most of the time. My lifetime average on my car (9,400 miles in Fall, Winter, and Spring in cold Northern Indiana, over mostly short trips) has been 45.47 MPG. After doing this test, I think I might move back to where I have to drive through downtown to get to work! (heh-heh)
Interesting demonstration. Maybe we should have a contest for those of us with too much time on our hands.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ghostofjk @ Jul 2 2006, 05:16 PM) [snapback]280218[/snapback]</div> Sorry, I was just curious about how routes can affect economy, and thought I would share where someone might appreciate the info...
niice. I'm currently trying for my record tank. I was at 4.1 earlier and now 4.3 (55mpg) at 500+ kms into the tank. 4 bars left.. hoping for 900kms.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wayne @ Jul 2 2006, 02:20 PM) [snapback]280222[/snapback]</div> Wayne, Wayne, Wayne...I was NOT being sarcastic; you have NOTHING to be sorry about; I was serious about a contest!
I have tried pulse & glide , slow take off's cruising at or just under the speed limit. I just cant get better than a average of 45. :angry: On the other screen I can keep it at 57 once Im at speed, but the avrage doesnt change. My wife's avrage is 47. I really want to learn this.... Here the streets are flat, temp is between 85* - 102* with 70% - 100% humitity Geeze this sounds like a sleep # commercial. :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Jul 3 2006, 09:21 AM) [snapback]280471[/snapback]</div> My intent when I started this thread was to show for some people the car is capable of much more than the EPA says it is, and without doing anything special. My car also averages 45 MPG, but that's because there are a lot of factors that come into play, and living in cold weather and going on short trips are two of the things that work against me. I really didn't do anything that had to be learned here, I simply drove a favorable route as a demonstration of the car's capabilities. For those that think 55 miles wasn't far enough to get out of the initial averaging error, I say you're crazy. That's more than far enough!
i live on a hill, so if we fill up at the gas station across from where i live, then go down that big hill, first bar i get in the 50-75 range, then 2 full bar, speed is roughly around 40-50mph ill take some photo if i get the chance
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ghostofjk @ Jul 2 2006, 02:16 PM) [snapback]280218[/snapback]</div> Or a contest for most dust on the MFD!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Drift Motion @ Jul 14 2006, 02:15 AM) [snapback]286106[/snapback]</div> That says 4 miles, Drift, not 55, nor even your original 20 claim... Try again!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pcflorida @ Jul 14 2006, 07:56 AM) [snapback]286150[/snapback]</div> There you go! Good run, pcflorida!
I've been babying the car for the last few thousand miles. Trying to keep the evil arrows away from the battery while chanting my mantra, "pulse... gliiiiide... pulse..." But I get fairly unremarkable milage. So lately I just got tired of watching the little schematic and its arrows and I just drove the darned thing like a car. I hammered it away from lights if I wanted to, cut people off (if they deserved it), whatever I felt like. Damn if I'm not getting BETTER milage from the Prius! It seems to like me better when I drive it like I stole it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wayne @ Jul 14 2006, 07:03 AM) [snapback]286151[/snapback]</div> You inspired me , so I gave it another try :lol: