The comments in the Ugliest car currently in production on I-5: A discussion naturally ensued about whether you would ever want to drive a car like that, with a friend saying, "Chicks dig the Weinermobile". :lol: I replied that I would never drive around in something dorky that would attract attention. And then I thought, wait, what am I waiting X months to buy?... (No, I don\'t think the Prius is dorky-looking... but, well, it\'s neither sexy nor low-key, I think, and I can understand people who think it looks "odd"...)
About ten years ago a friend of mine won the Oscar Meyer talent search. The Weinermobile came to my school. It was pretty damn cool (it looks smaller in person than it does in pictures). The principal still talks about it to this day (or so I've heard.)
How did you ever forget Hershey's Kissmobile? [Broken External Image]: Mobile 9-13-03.jpg
OK, now that's dorky. Makes me think of giant multicolored dragon stools. But you're taking this thread in a great direction. What other weird product-brand-related cars are there out there? The Mrs. Pauls Fish-Stick-Mobile? The Speedy-Alka-Seltzer-Mobile? The Hormel's Chili-Mobile? (Yeccch.)
Well, that didn't take long: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
How many of those have their own websites?[web:3961a8f1e5][/web:3961a8f1e5]
Same here. I first saw the Wiener Mobile in CA LONG before you were born. Didn't know it still existed! My kids would LOVE the Meow Mix car. I'll be sure to NOT show them the picture!! It would feel just a bit odd opening THAT trunk and pulling something out!
I have never actually seen the Wiener Mobile (only pics), and for that I am greatful. As for the Meow Mix car.... I wonder if it gets hairballs?
No special favors for the Weinermobile Found this old news article from 2002; appears the Weinermobile was halted because it was driving (mistakenly) on a restricted road near the Pentagon. I'm glad I'm not an Oscar Mayer weiner.
More evidence of WeinerMobile Dorkiness While no one is going to call the Weinermobile handsome, I have to say that it's rear profile is not it's best: [Broken External Image]: [hr:b2eb2a941c] Actually, looks like something of a road hazard. Shouldn't there be a blinking light at the end, or a Warning sign attached to the end?
It just never ends... ...and I just keep finding new *Mobiles: [hr:ce14005dfd] The Tropicana Beetle [Broken External Image]: [hr:ce14005dfd] The Pringlesmobile (which appears to double as a launch platform -- like something out of the Austin Powers movies.) Thunderbirds are Go! :wink: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:$FILE/PNChicago_pringlesmobile.jpg [hr:ce14005dfd] The Bus (which looks extremely sinister to me; probably funded by the CIA for domestic surveillence) [Broken External Image]: [hr:ce14005dfd] And finally, photographic evidence of a prehistoric WeinerMobile (I believe that's Chef Boyardee standing next to it)