Southbound on Harbor Blvd, a "bondo special" Honda Type R (?), with howling exhaust and severely negative-camber rear wheels, pulls up alongside a 2017 Prime Advanced, A/C off, windows closed. Bondo Special (BS) repeatedly revs at red stoplight. Light turns green, both cars jump forward, Prime ends up at least 3 car-lengths ahead at the next red light about 2-4 blocks later. Scene repeats 3 more times, same result!! Who says frugality can't be fun!! .
That type r driver either wasn’t any good, the engine had been replaced by a 3 pot 1 litre or they just weren’t trying. The primes pretty good off the mark with the electric but nowhere near what a type can do in the right hands. Maybe the mods have completely ruined it. Or they have added too much weight with 50 speakers or something. iPhone ?
That was the scary part, BS was a real loud howler, just begging to be caught, and further south, probably doing 75-80 in 45mph zone, before he disappeared at a left-turn lane. The boys in blue, I think were at the World Series!! .
The BS was a Honda/Type R wannabe. I owned a real Type R; it would have left the Prime in the dust. This appeared to be a Honda Civic coupe, modified with sreaming howling exhaust. He laid rubber at least once!! I would classify him as a POS model....!! .
VTEC: yeah he was a Very Tired Economy Car!! Like a certain politician on the campaign trail: a lot of noise and not much action!! .
What's with the "tire tread" motif on the front and rear bumpers of the Civic Type R? It looks like they got run over, or something. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
That's funny! I hadn't been following that car, so don't know its details. I don't know for sure why I'm not interested, it's probably the body shape, and the over 300HP front-drive that turned me off. It doesn't sound "balanced", and I think I've become pretty much a plug-in hybrid convert! Those bumpers sound garrish; my black Type R was very classy, very fast, although extremely noisy!! .
Haha! Reminds me of an episode I had as a youngster. I had a 1978 Dodge Aspen (the old K-car not the more recent SUV). It was the last model year you could get it with a 360 engine. Amyway, I',m on my way home from work bagging at the A&P when a punk in a mustang passes me then slows down and passes again, making noise and just generally being a jerk. So we pull up at a stop light and he revs his engine. Okay. I rev mine. Light turns green, I go easy and keep pace with him. We get to the next light. I normally turn left in the left turn lane, but I stay in the middle lane. I want to get him good. The police station is 2 blocks down. He's in the right lane. I rev my engine real good. I look at him and we both nod. I have my left foot on the brake and the right on the gas. The left turn signal comes on, I hit the gas and pop the front end up, going nowhere. He takes off like greased lightning and lo and behold a block down the flashy lights come on. I drive by at the speed limit laughing. Can't do that in my Prius, - can't rev the engine...
Yeah, the "Vrooom" option on the Advanced would be good for us old whippersnappers!! We could even use it to startle slow-shuffling Presbyterians, or oblivious walking texters!! .
I would like to change my Pedestrian Warning sound so that it SOUNDS like my '65 Barracuda Formula S... NOT like a Johnathan Winters spaceship! In Spain tooting the horn got you ignored. Reving the engine got you an instant clear pathway. (They walk down the narrow streets 5 across in Rota Spain (1965ish).
My Type R sounded like it would eat you alive, and my Milano Verde sounded like Bullitt Mustang!! Off the road peasant!! .