I have a theory that the greatest factor on battery life is storage temperatures. High heat storage degrades battery cells faster, cold temperatures degrades them slower. In the RC hobby we keep our expensive li-po cells stored in the fridge. My theory is that cars whose interiors regularly get baked in 100+ degree temperatures will result in shorter battery lifespan. The interior of a car can easily get to 140 and that will make a huge difference, even the fan cannot cool the battery. If your high mileage battery has hit 200k and NOT failed please select all that apply. The design of this poll is to narrow down what works to keep batteries alive. Therefore if your battery has failed please don't vote, but feel free to comment. Since there are many reasons a battery can fail it is easier to look for what went right compared to all the things that could have gone wrong.
Well our member Patrick Wong sold his 2004 prius recently with about 235k miles, original battery. He lives in AZ which is similar to living on the Sun during summer months
I have over 220k miles and over 9 years on my battery, and voted 3 and 5. Anyone with more than twelve years on their battery should also be allowed to vote.
I just replaced my battery twice last month...for the first and second time (first battery was junk). I had 247k miles on my 05 when I replaced it. At least I made it almost to 250k. BTW it's always parked in my garage when I'm not using it. Summers are about 85-90ºF. I voted because I did make it way past 200k with the first battery.
I have a hunch that you are on to something here. I cannot vote as I replaced my HV last year PREVENTATIVELY at 10 years/150k. My HV was showing the beginning signs of failure and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a good price from Texas Hybrid Batteries while I was visiting the Dallas area. I keep my car garaged and plan to not drive it on the super hot summer days. I'll just use a different car.
You have an interesting idea, and one worth examining. From all the information I've seen, the vast majority of Prii never have battery problems, so from that perspective you're likely to have a larger dataset than a poll about battery failures. But the people who visit forums and the ones who answer polls may skew the demographics a bit.
B, D, and F. I live in the DFW area with summer temps above 95 often. 207K miles so far. I got to this post by searching battery replacement costs as my mileage has been on a steady decline for a while now. Current options are a) Replace battery. b) buy a Leaf. c) Buy a used Tesla.