I wanted to update the navigation map on my 2010 Prius. I checked and found out that the dvd on my car is a U 90 North America. Also says version 08.1 on the screen. I saw a map update dvd for sale and it says U 98 North America. Also says data ver. 16.1 on the dvd label. Will this work with my navigation system? Wanted to check before I buy. Thanks. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I updated my 2010 maps with a disc I bought on ebay for around 20 bucks. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The u98, 16.1 I found on ebay for $8.49, is not a factory original, but a copy. Will probably work. I haven't purchased, but probably will.
Let me know if the upgrade is worthy, tempted to do that myself. 99% of the time, I'm on google maps w/tablet but there are times when data on phone is spotty and hotspot goes dead and so does google maps.
Yes the ebay disc works in the 2010. I just wish I can get the traffic to work. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Oh???? It does work? Sweet!!! Need a link! As for traffic, are you paying for it with Sirius? It is a separate/extra charge from their radio service.
I tried to sign up for siris traffic but was told my radio was incompatible. I think they are no longer supporting traffic because toyota switched to a different vendor for newer models. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks for the replies. My experience using map nav is that there are numerous routes that I take around and out of town that's most MPG friendly and shortest time arrival. The nav GPS would direct me other alternative routes that took longer and less MPG friendly therefore I was wondering if the updates were any better. Might just be that this place aint that metro enough to patch or fix up.
I’m very happy with my new map disk, it’s been trouble free. A lot of road changes went into the disk so it is very usable now. Still have not tried Sirius again.
This is promising but does anyone here have the HDD nav with JBL and able to update maps using this eBay DVD? I’m almost out of options according to my research on threads here... thanks!