Mine took 10 days, Port of Long Beach to Carson Toyota. Keep in mind that any 'dealer installed' options are actually added at the port in the Toyota prep center, so your time may be different.
I was able to score this Red Prime Advance on 11/11 (2nd day after the dealership got it). I love the color.
I'd like to know too... my dealer says vessel arrived 12/14, but no updates since then. Benicia is only an hour away.
Mine arrived on Fri and I was driving it home the following Tues. I'm in Southern California though, so I'm surprised it took that long.
Mine arrived at SF Toyota on 12/22 (vessel arrived 12/14). In the nick of time before the holiday road trip!
We will prob be the only two in Nebr with Primes. Would be funny to pass each other in Lincoln sometime.
Anyone know how long it would take for toyota in the northeast to go from port to dealer? My sales person said it could take up to two weeks. It arrived yesterday 10/21/2017 at port, and he expects it to make it to the dealer the first week of November but he is hoping for it arrive this month. I'm assuming Northeast Toyotas are supplied by the Newark port?
yes. the difficulty is where your car is on the ship, and when it can get on a carrier to your dealership. these aren't preplanned, sot the timetable is flexible. could be as little as a few days.
Hoping for a few days. It should only take 3.5 - 4 hrs drive for the carrier to get from Newark NJ to Syacuse NY. Crossing my fingers.