Any suggestions for a radio antenna upgrade for a 2005 Prius? I don't need it to be short (other threads address that). I'm perfectly happy with the original one, but somehow (perhaps vandalism) the antenna's rubbery thicker lower part got mangled. It still works, but the metal inside will get wet now.
If you're talking about the antenna mast, they are pretty cheap. Go to Amazon about $16 The base is another story, they are about $113 at Amazon. For the base, your cheapest is from a salvage yard.
Thank you very much for your reply, hchu1. Yes, I'm talking about the mast, not the base. Yes, I see. But my question is about an UPGRADE from the original.
For some reason when I put the Amazon link it doesn't show up. There are some alternatives listed with the oem unit.
Never have this problem again: Shark Fin Antenna | PriusChat The reception suffers a little bit compared to stock, but the improved look is totally worth it, and who listens to the radio anyway?
I listen to the radio all the time too. I should have been more specific: I'm looking for an upgrade in reception, not appearance. After some googling I'm thinking of buying one that's 25% longer.
Despite what your Mom might have told you when you were a young kid, size does matter, particularly when it comes to antennae! Those sharky finny thingies are smaller and don't have as much gain as the original longies! It's all to do with length, as any radio engineer will tell you!
No, I agree that the stock one had better reception, but I don't listen to the radio that much, and I don't have to worry about removing it before running through a carwash. And did I mention how good it looks?