So here I am, driving a quiet two lane road, at about noon, on a nice sunny day. I hadn’t seen a car or a person for about two miles, when the road curved a little, and then blocked from going any further due to construction. So, I had to back up a little, trying to negotiate the curve in reverse. Well, I hit the only damn light pole within 200 yards. Nothing around but this pole, a lot of trees, and several snickering small animals. Now, I am the fool, but I thought this car was fool proof. This car will beep at anything. If you’re beginning to get bored with the song on the radio, it will beep. It you have an itch, it will beep. I heard nothing, except the sound for the fender scraping against the pole. (And of course, the sound of someone going berserk) No substantial damage, except to our broken hearts. But, I’m sure two body panels won’t be cheap.
Don’t the sensors stop working for certain scenarios at various speeds. Maybe you were over a threshold iPhone ?
Ouch, sorry to hear of your pain. It happens, and could have been worse. All the beeping for frivolous stuff is why I worked hard to turn off the frivolous, over load junk so as to only hear the important ones. As my third vehicle in our garage, I park it in a very, very tight spot. I know my dimensions from parking my 2010 in the same spot. I get tons of proximity alerts pulling in and out, but not always the same ones. It reacts differently to different shapes and density objects. Like you, I wold have thought it would have caught this one. Sorry it missed it.
Not as severe, I also had the right-rear panel take out our mailbox post. It didn't get to the metal, just buffed the plastic rear panel that popped it out of the slot. Bob Wilson
Man, that looks painful to me. Damn poles. Almost as bad as deer. Hope it recovers too. (I dread the day I have to come on site to report one of these situations)
Toyota needs to wake up! All the frivolous beeping & popups are a safety issue, much like crying "Fire!" when there is none. False fire alarms are illegal and excessive, frivolous alerts in a vehicle should be illegal, IMHO. The MID could have been designed leaving a small bar at the top for informational alerts, reserving popups for truly dangerous situations.
Mine works fine for me. Very few false alarms. Particularly good when backing out of me driveway and cars or people are in the street. I usually see them but the beeps are a good reminder to look around.
Seriously yeah, the thought of it makes me want to slouch under a desk. (So does the reminder of nicking the curb and scraping the body of my Prius c with a shovel after a snowstorm years ago...) I keep telling myself, the following hybrid (or all electric car) that I get will be used, to save money and so that I don't obsess about it cosmetically. Then I go and buy a brand new Prime and go nuts about some long colored hairline artifacts on the gloss by the rear window in direct sunlight...
i've had a similar booboo for over a year now from backing into a merc. i've been debating whether to fix it, but the good thing about leaving it alone is, you don't have to worry about damage anymore.
Ohh that looks rough. Sorry. Would you let us know how much that ends up. Sometimes the initial repair estimate, especially in a new car is pretty low. Oh and try hard to see if they'll pay for a tire and alignment too since there's obvious tire contact. Anyways If I would guess, maybe close to $4,000.
Thanks, Bob Wilson. Idiocy appreciates company, also. I will keep you all advised, as this progresses. My local dealer doesn't have a body shop, just recommends one. I am thinking that it would be best to have the body done by a dealer as it is so new, and such a new high-tech car. Although it will only involve body parts, I want to insure all of the sensors are aligned and reconnected properly. At a dealer, they would have all of the references possible, I would think. Any comments on that? I'm also not sure whether I want to submit to insurance or not. I'm going to get three estimates, then decide.
Our newborn is now in the gentle hands of our Toyota mechanic. I took it to the independant, though Toyota certified body shop, recommended by my dealer. He was trained well, as his estimate came to $5,160 and change. With the estimate coming in that high, I would be submitting a collision claim to my insurance company. Fortunately, my insurance company has a presence at the Toyota dealer I was going to get a second estimate from. So, there would be no point to go anywhere else.
Ohhh I came in low, and chances are that number will go up when it’s all said and done. They included a new tire and alignment with that?
Also sometimes, if there’s contact (even if it doesnt look much) on a wheel, theres a chance that that rim somehow got bent and it can’t be balanced properly anymore.
The estimate from the Toyota shop came back at $5300. This is just the visible damage, but I don't think there is anything hidden. The wheel isn't scratched at all, if anything there was only contact with the tire. I know the tire is still good, and certainly the rim, too. Maybe an alignment is required, I don't know yet. They did say it wasn't a big deal to deal with the sensors.
The latest update to this sorry story, is that the computer needs to be replaced. Of course, the computer is on back order, and won't be in for another two weeks.No revised estimate, as yet.