Ok, looking into getting a used Prius V for daily commute (100 miles round trip). I'm not stranger to Hybrid vehicles as in the past I have owned a few. So to my main question... I am looking at a 2012 Prius V with 165k miles, asking price is $7500. Does this seem like an ok price? It is trim level three and has leather, although I think the leather is aftermarket. So, how many people would make this purchase? Reasons why you would or would not? How much life do you think this prius has left?
If you were not putting 30,000 miles a year on the car and everything including the HV battery checked good, maybe. As is, you will be at 200k in one year and 260k in three years. I would find a 100k car and pay a little more. Possible problems are HV battery, inverter, or engine along with various smaller things.
You are correct...30,000 miles per year is my current average I am fairly experienced with Hybrids, having previously owned several (2010 Honda Insight, 2012 Prius two, 2012 Ford Fusion Hybrid, I also currently have an early reservation for a Tesla Model 3!). I think that all of the previous Hybrid experience may make me more forgiving of higher mileage Hybrids. Although I have never owned one past 150k... My current car is the 2012 Fusion Hybrid and it is at 142k
My rule of thumb is that all cars develop major issues at around 200k miles. The issues cost enough money that makes you question whether it is worth it to repair the car. That means you have another 35k trouble free miles on that v. For $7500, that's a bargain and I wouldn't hesitate to pick it up if there are no other issues with it.
The problem is he will only get one year out of it before "repair vs replace" may come up. It's not just about the $2500 battery or the $5000 engine, it's also breaking down 50 miles away from home. Reliability is the issue.
OP didn't state whether cost or reliability is the greater concern. Like I said, I wouldn't hesitate to buy this vehicle at this cost and I put on 100 miles round-trip daily on my Prius. Given the headroom from a $7500 purchase price the repair/replace equation skews towards repair. My experience with hybrids and cars in general is that it's rarely about absolute battery or the engine failure. At 200k miles, it's the AC compressor, and then the rear shocks or the front axle, or a hole in the exhaust.
I agree with you both... This is why I posted, to get talking points from both sides when comparing Cost and Reliability. I am also looking at a standard 2012 Prius four w/ 97k for $9700. Then I have also made contact with a seller that has a 2012 Prius V five w/ 129k for $10,500 (which I think is a little high for the miles) but it is an extremely clean ride! Normally things don't just break, without first giving you some signs that it may be about to break. I have only been stranded on the side of the road a handful of times, but every time was in the late 1990's as a teen, prior having a phone in my pocket at all times, and money! Now everything has changed. Breaking down on the side of the road on my daily commute now days in my opinion would only be a mild inconvenience. Cell phone, roadside assist, and three other vehicles in the driveway makes less of an inconvenience for me than it might be for others. As far as the cost of repairs, are those dealer prices? I did a few minutes of research and I am now fully confedent that I can get a refurbished battery pack w/ 4 year unlimited miles warranty for around $1500, and the install for DIY is fairly simple. I also looked up used engine prices, looks like an engine with around 20,000-40,000 miles can be had for close to $1500, most shops in this area would charge about $800-1000 for an engine swap. Making it around $2300-2500 for an engine replacement. I'm just thinking... I could be wrong for sure. Cost is probably more important to me, as this would just be my commuter vehicle and nothing more. Reliability is some what important, but that is why I have always been a fan of Hybrid vehicles.
Given those 3 the 2012 four, then the 2012 v five gets my money before the 165k v. 70k fewer miles is a deal for $2200 versus the 165k v. Ditto for 36k miles for $3000 v five. Not as great a deal but it is a v five. If you're handy, I think it's easier to just buy a Prolong charger to maintain the battery and replace individual cells that go bad rather than buying an entire refurbished battery. Prius engines that fail are so rare that I wouldn't even bother worrying about it. It's like insuring against a bent rim.
Why the v versus the hatchback which gets better mpg? I did for the utility but I bought new and put maybe 10k a year on the car so I could afford to pay for a bit more gas.
This is always my concern about buying a higher mileage used vehicle. I always wonder if the owner is sensing symptoms of a major repair coming up, and he's entering the repair vs replace conundrum. I see that you owned a '10 Insight and a '12 Prius. What happened as they should still be reliable, or did you put on so many miles that it was prudent to sell them? I also was deciding between those two cars, so I'm wondering which one you preferred.
That's always a worry, but hopefully anything that was major enough for them to sell it will show up during the test drive. I personally always drive the crap out of any car on a test drive, not to try and break anything, but knowing that most things that could be wrong with it are more likely to scream for mercy when I'm pushing it! So the Honda Insight was totaled after only 1 year (was rear-ended hard at a stop light). The car was decent, felt a little cheap on the interior, but overall acceptable. I averaged around 38mpg, anything over that you had to work for it! The 2012 Prius was purchased a few months after the insight was totaled. It was a world of difference, completely! 49mpg and didn't even have to try was awesome, the car drove great. My biggest complaint about it was the road noise was a bit higher than preferred, but I liked the car. I got rid of it due to a divorce, I let her have the car and the payments that went with it! So then I bought the car that I have now, 2012 Ford fusion hybrid. It's very comfortable, quite, and looks like a "regular car". But I only get about 37mpg out of it on average. Even that requires some effort (planning your stops, and being very light on the go pedal and stretching out the battery on ev only mode when leaving stop signs/lights). I have a great job, and don't really need to save on gas money, hybrids and EV just always interested me. And I have a commute to where they work for me. I still have three other cars, but I will always drive the hybrid as my daily.. I always told myself that once an all EV was made that could go 300 miles on a charge then I would get one. Well, I wasn't going to spend 80000 on a model s or x.... But I do currently have a reservation for a model three! Not really going to call it a budget vechile though as the one I want, the extended range, full auto pilot capabilities is still going to cost an estimated $64,000-70,000! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Well a Prius v is not absolutely quiet but it is quite nice in most respects. I believe it rides much better than a standard Prius. One battery test, let it idle in neutral enough to get the hv battery to half then hard accelerate to 60. If it goes down to purple on the CAR mfd display, it is tired. Get one of the lower mileage options. Mine looks new, no rattles, cold air, tight steering, etc, but I would not buy it with 150k miles or more. One other thing, you will get most of the increased price of a lower mileage car when you sell it to pick up your Tesla, especially if you sell it yourself.
I'm in a similar situation: my wife drives 40K+ miles/year for work (outside sales) -- and we just bought a '13 V because her '08 Prius was totaled in a rear end collision. I look at battery failure as more likely to be related to age than mileage. When the battery is 10-12 years old, it's likey nearing the end of its life -- whether the car has 40K miles or 400K miles. So someone who drives a lot of miles -- like my wife -- will probably not have to deal with replacing a battery until well over 300K miles. There's a good chance that at that point, the car will need to be replaced because of conventional vehicle maintenance issues. If it doesn't, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
^^^^That is the easiest and fastest way to "check" battery performance and if its losing capacity on the Hybrid^^^ Another thing I am considering is that this Prius would go to the new wife, when I get the Tesla!! All depends though. I reserved the Tesla on the first day that they opened the reservations up so I should be well within the first 100,000 orders out of the 400,000 reservations currently. Logging on to my Tesla it is indicating for me a projected delivery month of February-April. If I can get it in February there will still be high demand and short supply, I could potentially "flip" the Model 3 for a small profit and tax credit!!! If I decide to do that then I would of course keep the Prii,
Check out the Prius V 300k club thread. There are a few folks on there that have pushed it beyond 400k w/o issues. I think it would be foolish to get rid of the V once it hits 150k because of a "rule of thumb" not rooted in evidence or facts.