Un-freakin-believable!!! So I can look at a 9.5" map, including street names... I can look at HD radio text, including song titles... I can autoreply to a text message, by scrolling through 3 screens of canned responses... I can do all of these things that take my eyes off the road - but I can't display my artwork?!?!?!?
Wow! Looks like you just need the parking brake applied (it was in drive, with the brake and PB engaged and it worked). I'll be driving around with my left foot resting on the PB pedal!
Tried it on my Advanced; the art work for my own (I wrote 'em) songs displays only when you're in park with Parking Brake engaged!! UPDATE TIME!! .
LOL, I wonder if a PB switch defeat could be worked out so as not to actually hold the P Brake in an unsafe condition. I have an idea of what might be done. I'll have to play with it. It does not involve pressing the P Brake in any way. In some of the earlier 2003 4Runners that had DRL's and no DRL off switch, you could press the P Brake down one click and kill the DRL's so you could view Christmas lights, etc. This was around 2003 on 4Runners. MUCH testing was done to make sure that "one click" on the P Brake did NOT engage the P Brake. Who would have thought album art was such a big problem.
Does Toyota even listen to our complaints about things like this? Does anyone here have the ear or someone at Toyota corporate? If not, we're just shouting into the wind.
Cycled through Pandora, Slacker, and iHeart Radio today on the drive home - all three displayed album art with the car in motion. But I couldn't get artwork to display when playing my music app, BT or USB, car in motion or in park with parking brake engaged. Fiddled with the settings for audio (including turning Gracenote database off, thinking that was the quirk), but nothing. This is with an iPhone 8, iOS 11.0.2, and the most recent Entune update.
anyone else have an issue that SIRI responds back in FULL VOLUME? holy crap it's going to blow up my speakers since iOs11.
I received the same letter a couple of days ago... about a month after buying the Prime and signing up for the service about a day or two later. Either their marketing department is working from a purchaser list without checking to see if the car has been signed up, or they're just sending out the letters to all new Prime owners. When I took delivery of the car, I asked the salesman about the SafetyConnect system and he acted like he never heard of it. Given all the add-ons the dealership tried to sell me at the closing, I am amazed that this service never came up. My guess is that the dealership doesn't make any money on suggesting it. By the way, my previous vehicle was a Cadillac with GM's basic "Safe and Secure" OnStar service which provides similar functionality. At its basic level, the annual cost is comparable. GM also offers pricier versions which include "concierge services" such as talking to a human to locate destinations and services and getting customized routes uploaded into the navigation system. I believe that the Toyota service is necessary for the Prime Advanced in order to take advantage of Entune features like charge management and remote car locating. The latter is kind of nice if you forget where you left your car in the acres of parking at the airport and want to find it when you return from a trip.
I have an app in my phone to find my car without this service. Alas one must remember to pin the location before leaving the car. I might have remember to pin it ONE time! With this, one doesn't have to remember.
Yes. The Prime (Advanced) Entune Apps such as charge management and remote car locating and remote climate control use the Safety Connect cell phone in the Advanced. If you don't have Safety Connect service activated, you don't have the Prime Apps.
When I signed up for Safety Connect, the representative told me it used satellite, not cell phone to connect.
You are right. I wonder if the Safety Connect indicator light goes off when the car is driven to a place where cell phone reception is unavailable.
Good question. The light indicates more than just cell service; it also indicates an active account, so I don't know if just going out of cellular range will turn it off. But, yes, Safety Connect uses a cell phone that is only in the Advanced. And slightly off topic: Safety Connect uses Verizon, and Verizon is turning off their 2g and 3g system in 2019, so there is some question as to whether the Safety Connect cell phone is 4G-capable. Low speed telematic services such as Safety Connect have historically used 2g, since they don't need higher speed 4G data. But 2g is going away. The new Entune 3.0, which provides a WiFi hotspot in the car and real-time map updates, clearly will use 4G, but that uses different hardware, and will be available only in future models.
Got my notice today after coming out of Wal Mart. By the time I got home it had completed the update process. Seemed simple enough.