Hi Prius People, I'm selling my wonderful 2004 Prius ... it's been my baby since I got it, and everything I've ever done to it has been through this site. That even means buying it here! http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=784&hl= So, what's good is that it has a few years left on XM Radio (I put it in) and Prepaid Maintenance. It's got an invisible bra, and weather floor mats for days you need them. I even have the famed EV button but haven't found the time to put it in yet. There are california HOV stickers on it so you can drive in the diamond lanes unhindered. It's also got all the bells and whistles that you can get on an american 2004. So, you got the bluetooth phone, and voice activated navigations system. ("I'm Hungry" ... "System is showing Restaurant Icons".) So, what's not so good is that there is some scratches on the rear bumper. (from parking manuevers ... thanks SF parking people!) And it was in a low speed fender bender with a uncaring/unprepared dodge caravan driver that did some damage to the front right side. It was fixed completely from insurance and it is hard for anyone to know that it has happened. It drives and works like brand new. I've been a stickler about sounds and vibrations as well as looks and finish. I would have never picked it up and paid for it if it didn't look and drive right. So most if not all items are taken care of at this time. I have another prius (and 2 motorcycles, and scooter, etc...) so in other words, I need to sell the car because I have too many vehicles. I'd say this is a good car for someone to pick up for their child going to college, or maybe a commute vehicle. Anyway, let me know if you are interested or want a test drive. I'm selling this on autotrader for an almost pretty firm $24,900. But for Priuschat members, I'm dropping the monitary request to my lowest amount I'll take $23,900. This is for goodwill toward all PC members! Keep up the posts people. Let's keep the Prius revolution going. [attachmentid=3874][attachmentid=3875][attachmentid=3876]
Sold today ... Great new owner. I'm really happy to give her to a good home that is going to love her as much as I did. She's commutes everyday so it is actually going to a much better place. She is trading in her Ford Explorer! That'll be a change for her gas bill. I'm sad to see her go off with her new adopted parents.