I looked into getting the replacement acrylic today, turns out, its more expensive than I thought and is sold as the entire grille sub-assembly. $550 to $569. RADIATOR GRILLE. For 2017 Toyota Prius Prime Four Adv HYBRID | Toyota I found a couple on eBay for around $2-300 but they are all used. If anyone knows of better solutions, let me know.
Third gen has a somewhat similar design fail: the rear bumper clips aren't up to the job: the bumper starts to sag, the gap at edge goes from zero near the wheel well, to about 1/4" (or more) at the rear. Some people have cobbled up shims you can put in that might remedy, but most of us just drive around in our "flagships", with our saggy butts.
Mine does that also but it’s the too-thin edge of the bumper cover that is wavy and doesn’t grab the bumper clips (which were revised, btw). iPhone ?
Cover it with vinyl. I did this to the inner section of the Sonic's bowties after the front one got cracked by a rock. Car Wraps | Vinyl Wraps | Films | Sheets https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_5_6?url=search-alias%3Dautomotive&field-keywords=3m+vinyl+wrap&sprefix=vinyl+%2Cautomotive%2C154&crid=5MML1I31AC3D&rh=n%3A15684181%2Ck%3A3m+vinyl+wrap Most bumpers and other trim pieces are ABS. Wonder why Toyota didn't use it.
Personally, I would not care much on those cosmetic damages as long as it is functional and structurally sound. I enjoy a brand new car while I can, but hate to pay to fix or keep up the new look on something that is going to depreciate value no matter what. That said, I do carry no-deductible collision/comprehensive policy for something that need to be fixed.
There's a lot of "squeaky wheels" in life, stuff that's hopelessly poor design, preposterously expensive to fix, and guaranteed to soon need another fix. As long as it's not flapping in the breeze, leave it be, or come up with a make-shift fix. On one of our Accords we had a power antenna that extended EVERY time the radio was turned on, retracted every time it was shut off. Didn't take long before it was stuck at half-mast. A coiling flexible plastic rack gear was just not up to the task. We must have thrown close to $400 in dealership repairs at that piece of %$*+!!. I even tried wiring in a manual switch so that you could defeat it, leave it down if playing a tape (yes, antenna still went up when playing tapes, or at least tried to...). Eventually I pulled it out and put in a solid whip-antenna, no moving parts. Should have saved the grief and $'s, done that in the first place. To this day I'll notice that gen of Accords tooling around, all with their antennas stuck at half-mast, or with replacement whip-antennas.
This is a great idea. You can get as creative as you want in your design. I would plug the hole first to create a smooth surface, then wrap.
Got one of those ding on acrylic front bumper cover myself. At cost of over $500 for parts alone, I will not be fixing it. I will wait until I have REAL accident needing to replace front bumper.
Geez, that personifies "glass jaw". I think you're on the right track not repairing it, for a lot of reasons.
Yap, I have zero deductible comprehensive coverage, but for purely cosmetic repair like this, it would not be worth using it to risk premium hike. Besides, even if I fix this one, I am sure many more will develop soon after.
Actually it is called "GRILLE SUB-ASSEMBLY, RADIATOR" 2017 Toyota Prius Prime Four Adv HYBRID Grille sub-assembly, radiator - 5310147040 - Genuine Toyota Part Transparent acrylic part is separable from the underneath grill cover, but they don't sell them separately.
My grill and bumper are full of nicks and pits. And the windshield glass is starting to look like a field of gopher holes. These darn Prii are so fragile! Is getting 55 mpg worth all this frustration and extra repairs??! I didnt buy a brand new car and expect it to look like crap after only 2.5 years. The insurance cost is crazy. Repairs and parts cost are crazy. 12V battery cost is crazy. The damn steering wheels peels. Wiper blades wear out fast. Seat fabric shows wear and fraying after only 2.5 years. Windshield pits & cracks very easily. Paint is cheap and thin. The car is noisy as all hell. The front bottom scrapes everywhere. Brakes are either very grabby, or mushy & weak. I nevsr know what to expect. Owners report all kinds of rattles in the Prime, and Gen4 regular Prius. Multiple recalls already. Etc, etc, etc,.... The list foes on and on. I'm thinking of getting rid of this Prius while it still has some fairly high value. (A dealer offered me $18.5.) No more new cars. Find a decent used car that runs good. I don't care if it only gets 20mpg. Or, I can continue to drive my Prius, and just forget about trying to keep it looking nice. When I calm down, that's probably the more rarional choice.